I also took durability and recovery into account. Nothing is invincible, and the death star is nowhere near as close.
Also, the forerunner weapon Composer bypasses every shield (to my knowledge), making your ray shield useless. Either way, it is a disintagratory ray, so it would wear the shield away until a pop, in which it would bypass the hull, assuming the shield does stop it. Even then, prometheans could teleport inside, in which the shit aim of stormtroopers combined with weaker weapons would kill.
Forerunner Composer is designed to convert biological beings into data to achieve a form of immortality. It's not a disintegration weapon.
[quote]Forerunner Composer is designed to convert biological beings into data to achieve a form of immortality. It's not a disintegration weapon.[/quote] It is slightly disintagratory. It just also scans the object and converts it to data. That is why clothing and held objects were also effected.
I know, my point is that it's not this disintegration death ray.
It for people in New Phoenix. [spoiler]sorry, I just had to.[/spoiler]
Disintegration only works on matter not energy sry but yea On teleportation death star is segmented, they close off the block until reinforcements get there or simply cent toxin into the atmo. Idk what alloy the DS uses exactly so cant really say on durability.
The prometheans are technology. Plus they just teleport to the other segments.
Emp, swu has countless emp weapons; A e11 stun setting ALSO works on tech (its an em pulse wave)
The plasma pistol is an EMP weapon. It only takes down the shield. Forerunner tech is EMP-resistant, as only shields are effective.
Plasma IS NOT emp. Plasma is highly charged and super heated gas its not an energy field or pure energy charge but an energized state of matter.
The plasma creates a strong EMP. This is because plasma is a superheated gas in which electrons are ripped from the atom.
No they are NOT, aside from emp pules weapons ONLY OTHER WEAPON to cause EMP are Nukes. Plasma the gas IS super heated. Electrons ARE NOT RIPPED FROM ATOMS, HEAT CAUSES THE MOLECULES TO MOVE FASTER, DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO ATOMS. Electrical flow is controlled through flemings "left hand rule" and along ferriday's em field lines of force. Electricity is the result of an electron CURRENT flowing atom to atom in the left hand rule direction along the em field's lines of force. Electrons that are SWAPED are the open orbit electrons that are swappable (NOT ALL electrons orbiting an atom can be swapped, only certain ones in certain orbits).
That is what I have been taught. Anyways, all plasma is magnetic. The plasma pistol, when charged, causes an EMP on impact. Whether from the plasma or the containment unit. The forerunner tech itself is immune to EMP.
Yea ALL electricity IS MAGNETIC. Every lightning strike (lightning IS plasma) IS NOT AN EMP. Its an ultra high voltage charge carried by a super heated 4th state of matter (like an uber high voltage power line) IT IS NOT AN EM PULSE. Electro magnetic pulses have a certain ALTERNATING frequency A CROSSED ALL ELECTRIC FREQ BANDS AT AN EXTREMELY HIGH AMPERAGE. Plasma pending the gas used DOES NOT alternate frequency. Plasma amperage IS NO WHERE NEAR amps needed for an EMP. I actually AM a power generator mechanic (electrician + mechanic) I DO KNOW what im talking about regarding electricity.
The science behind the plasma pistol is about as valid as the death stars shield, and lightsabers, so you are really in no position to talk science. Even then, prometheans are still EMP proof, star wars loses.
Um no; Plasma does NOT have amps or the freqs required to emp PERIOD. Ray shields use the SAME PRINCIPLE as a magnetosphere only much more concentrated of a field and provided you can produce the out put energy of A SMALL STAR YOU CAN ACTUALLY DO IT AS USED IN MOVIE.
Edited by CybrWyteTygr: 9/4/2015 2:05:22 AMAnd the lightsabers? Plus, if it is an energy field, it would not stop physical objects that are non magnetic, period, nor would it absorb all energy, just X amount. The Halo rings were able to bypass anything. That is why the Noah's ark needed stored data. You are literally only arguing about the death star, and how the plasma pistol isn't valid science. Death star won't do much if outnumbered a million to one.
Edited by DarthBrando: 9/4/2015 2:12:38 AMThe magnetosphere of the SUN stops plenty of small SOLID fast moving objects from entering our system and ITS spread over a few hundred BILLION MILES. You confine that field to around the size of our moon it AMPLIFIES INTENSITY AND EFFECTIVE POWER by the square of the distance inverted. (The smaller you make a more powerful field THE MORE INTENSE AND STRONGER it is) A Laser is energy; we have ones that put a 30 foot wide hole through 6 FEET of SOLID STEEL in 30 seconds or less! The lightsabers would also be plasma contained within a magnetic field using some other additional properties (we can almost actually make them using this method; we dont yet have the power supply needed or a way to make a strong enough field let alone a 3dimensional field to the specs of a lightsaber blade, those ARE the only 2 obstacles left.)
The sun protects us from energy. It protects itself from solid objects. Plus, steel is for pussies. It's all about titanium alloys, tungsten, and carbon fibers. And no, a lightsaber is not plasma, it is light. Light being controlled in shape. Science is more out the window than Windu in star wars. [spoiler]plus it still can't beat Robotech.[/spoiler]
Edited by DarthBrando: 9/4/2015 2:32:12 AMYea thats why mr michio kaku (a bazzillion times smarter than both of us put together) says making a REAL light saber you would use plasma contained in a magnetic field! YODA FACEPALM! Also titanium once ignited CANT be extinguished once it starts burning. Tungsten 2inch by 2 inch cube weighs 1 KILO Any object trying to ENTER the heliosphere from a head on trajectory at cosmic speeds gets 40-99% DESTROYED entering it. (Heliosphere is suns magnetosphere)
Edited by CybrWyteTygr: 9/4/2015 2:41:40 AMI'm going by canon, using science to explain. Lightsabers are light. And I'm pretty sure that Ray shield was in a book, which guess what, to my knowledge, aren't canon, as I just remembered. I have watched all movies, and nothing is said there. Plus, what part of titanium alloys did you miss? And we also don't use tungsten in heavy quantities. Usually a light coating.
No for true mac cannons u want solid tungsten rounds; even in an alloy titanium in enough of % will still have the burn problem. Ray shields are in EP 3, EP 4, EP 6, EP 1, clone wars TV show No LIGHT SABERS ARE NOT LIGHT Lasers are light. Lasers are solid beams that continue till they hit something at the speed of light. You CANT have lasers behave like lightsabers or blaster bolts in star wars NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO TO THEM. Lightsabers and blaster bolts have been ACCEPTED as PLASMA for more than 30 years now!
Meh, either way, force science? And again, how does energy, aside from heat, effect everything. Also, tungsten carbide. Not solid tungsten. And how does a crystal turn anything into plasma. And again, the death star won't last long when a composer has just turned every last ally to an EMP proof, teleport ing robot.
Edited by DarthBrando: 9/4/2015 3:10:54 AMEnergy effects ALL cuz guess what Matter can get turned into energy and energy can get turned into matter. ELECTRICITY is the flow of a current of open orbit "free" electrons going from 1 atom to another atom; ANY CONDUCTIVE MATERIAL OR MAGNETIC MATERIAL has free electrons that can be directed to flow as electricity. ALL ATOMS HAVE ELECTRONS (as far as we know) SO ALL MATTER HAS ENERGY There is no such thing as matter any where in the entire UNIVERSE that is 100% UN AFFECTED by energy. Matter is a semi permanent form, energy DISSIPATES: ALL ENERGY DISSIPATES its the laws of thermo dynamics + radiation. ALL MATTER will absorb, block, divert or slow down ANY FORM OF ENERGY. Those are the basic FUNDAMENTAL LAWS OF PHYSICS aside from gravity and a bit more on magnetism. IN THIS UNIVERSE THESE LAWS ARE NOT CHANGE ABLE OR BREAK ABLE at ANY scale above the sub atomic PERIOD.
Electricity is matter, anyone who deals with it should know that. And matter only turns to energy when combined with antimatter. A photon isn't going to effect an atom, the atom is going to effect the photon.