EDIT: Please ignore the poll, I accidentally posted it unfinished and now I can't change it.
[quote]As to all those who don't believe that Titans are the worst, and are trying to refute me. I could spend a whole video talking about it, but almost every point you all bring up - the other classes either have it built-in, or an exotic that outclasses it. Bubblebro is priceless in PvE. But for PvP, Titans are just at a clear disadvantage. As a person who has used every class, and every subclass, and has most time put into a Titan this is the consensus I've come to.
Thankfully it looks like Sunbreaker is going to change things for Titans in PvP, but let's look at it realistically:
Slowest agility : Yes you can use the "triple" tap jump to speed around, but it's not intuitive to most and it's not always practical to run around doing it in PvP and in a gunfight, you don't have the same speed to strafe or even run away - not to mention blink is just a get out of jail free card. It's so easy to avoid supers, heavies etc with blink, but titans can't get away so even overall titan's k/d usually don't match up with the other classes.
It's the "TANKY" class : We're supposed to be the frontline, however even when we max our armor out we only have 1 more health than a hunter in PvP I believe, and are tied with Warlocks. The Ram alone gives Warlocks like 22 more health in PvP which is insane.
Melee : We're supposed to be the melee class, but it's a fact our melee is the worst. No range to it. Hunters are above it especially with blink strike glitch, and the warlock is just a mile ahead of them both. Yes we have shoulder charge, but as you can see it's pretty easy to counter if you know what you're up against and titans also have to usually prep for shoulder charge beforehand knowing when it'll be up after sprinting, and how long it'll be up.
Supers: The Fist of Havoc is situational, rarely nets several kills, and you almost feel punished for using it at times because it always seems like you need to save it for a cluster, which rarely seems to happen. Warlocks have the same thing in the form of Nova Bomb, which they can send from a safe distance. Hunters have a super that pretty much guarantees 2-4 kills every activation.
Exotics: Yes the Saint-14 is great... in PvE. It can help occasionally in PvP, but using bubblebro in PvP is already putting you at a disadvantage. Ruin Wings are bugged and only useful for PvE. Arma is great for two grenades which can help, but warlocks have that perk built into their subclass already. Pretty much any other exotic is completely niche, or just offers a perk that's already in your subclass. Feedback fences? It tickles the enemy, I've gotten 1 kill across my hours of playtime using it. PvP you just have nothing that really helps, and so I often use Inmost light just because it lets me take 2 skills for my super.
You can all sit here and argue on and on about it, but I can say without a doubt that Bungie is sitting on data that backs up exactly what I'm saying - especially PvP. I talked to Luke Smith and Mark about this while I was at bungie for hours on end. The Titans just don't have anything they really shine at, except for being the staple for most PvE encounters with the Bubble. They told me they're aware of it and are always looking at ways to fix it. So fingers crosses, but even Bungie knows Titans are a notch down from the others.
The bubble is near useless in PvP because it can't protect against supers, you can't use it as a reactive defense because everything bursts it. Anyway like I said I could go on and on and on about this because as someone who wants the Titans so badly to be really good, it hurts to realistically look at it and know that we're just not at the same tier with the current build. I'm not going to respond to the comments to this because it won't get us anywhere, you're always free to disagree.
-Mr. Fruit
This comment can be found here:
This is probably the best argument for class balancing I've seen in a long time. The video (Specifically the first round) shows the clear disadvantages that the Titan has in the melee department, even with shoulder charge. And in the round where they were all using an auto rifle, Mr. Fruit absolutely crushed Blue and Rhabby, so he's likely more skilled than them, but in the other rounds in this series it doesn't look like it because abilities were allowed in those rounds.
Other Thread with more evidence: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/147725199/0/0
Statistics thread:
Tell me if you agree or disagree, and if you do disagree please give a valid argument rather than "Fist of Havoc/Shoulder Charge/Lightning Grenades is/are OP" or at least give some form of evidence to prove it.
Thanks for Reading!
- - - Can anyone explain me the "blink strike glitch"? - - - - - -
Edited by Powerath: 9/4/2015 5:00:15 AMThe only buff that I agree with is a buff to the Catapult jump. It should be a little faster with the burst of speed. You should not get better results from Better Control. I would also like to see better results from Suppressor grenades. Titans are still good now how they are. Fist of Havoc should be the counter to all supers which it is. Ward of Dawn is pretty balanced the way it is now. Defender is more a PvE subclass but that doesn't mean it is completely useless in PvP. It makes up for its support super with orbs. Used a full team of Defenders in Trials. It was really fun but still ended up with 8 - 1. Both games that we lost were 4 - 5. You just have to play smart with the super. Most people aren't used to this.
Edited by Aegis Mind: 9/4/2015 4:41:46 AMI want an exotic that, upon popping my bubble, it's permanently parented/constrained to my guardian for its full duration wherever I go, my bubble comes with me!! Hell, you know what? Let's PETITION THIS!
well Someones gata be at the bottom. its never gana be 33.333333 each class, and i dont think titans fall too far from warlocks. And it seems like they know whos on bottom and just donated one hell of a Nuke a'la SUNBREAKER to turn the tides heavily. In a few weeks everyone will be bitching about titans. so i wouldnt dwell hard. I play a Void warlock. The struggle is real
Edited by RPColten: 9/4/2015 2:22:56 AMDon't see why the Titan's didn't get an armour buffing exotic like the Ram. You'd think a class that specializes in melee and armour (supposedly, as the flavour text suggests) would get a melee/armour buffing exotic, not the Warlock, a class that specializes in space wizardry and floofing-about powers.
Edited by Combo164: 9/4/2015 6:56:08 AMI'm still trying to figure out why they say "up close, a fist is better than any gun", however the saying goes for striker titans......storm fist sucks.
Huh everytime i use my bubble in PvP with saint 14 i get like 5 shotgun kills from people rushing me. Seems good to me.
The only thing in need of a buff is melee range, beyond that there is no real issue.
For my trials group the bubble with armor has become a must have as it allows a guaranteed revive or round win if we go for a capture victory also it can be used as bait ( you'd be surprised how many people try to rush inside a bubble)
He spent hours talking to Bungie about this? I'm kind of inclined to think it couldn't be anything but troll that accounts for why Titans are so bad, or at least rendered obsolete by comparison. Anyways, I think that [i]Fist of Havoc[/i] should be able to proc [i]Transfusion[/i]. It would make Strikers more like a Spearhead than a reactive control class. I always felt like the risk of death after Fist of Havoc made the super really exposed in a way it shouldn't be. There should be a reason why getting close isn't a weakness. With Transfusion, Fist of Havoc would allow Titans to smash into a group of enemies, and then fight off the remaining few. As of now, its a suicide super. Nova Bomb by comparison has the range that makes it good on both defense and offense; its really strong but not OP in its own right.
When you put up your bubble, your melee should double in damage.
Wow. Is he wrong. Titans are he weakest for getting kills in pvp, agreed. Bungie knows, all Titan players know. At least all Titans who also play hunters and warlocks. But the defender class is by far the best class for control pvp. Maybe not the other ones but objective based pvp is way more fun (in my opinion) then running and killing. In my opinion, defender Titans are key to winning control matches.
I think hammer of sol is a buff in its own way if it's good. fist of havoc is a very good super paired with lighting grenade and shoulder charge it's a very affective subclass. but defender need a buff desperately ward of dawn is useless on crucible because -blam!-ing supers destroy it.
Titan master race
I just want titans armor melee range and defender buffed
I agree with fruits take. That's why they are grinning ear to ear and deej is dick riding sun breakers. I think the Titan was probably the hardest class for bungie to balance because they could easily be OP which according to lore they should be. We don't really have any "go to" exotics and like symbiote for hunters and ram for warlocks. Bungie is well aware that Titans needed pvp love. All you have to do is play crucible, you always see plenty of hunters and warlocks with Titans kind of sprinkled in. Titans will shine come TTK.
You're walking in the woods. There's no one around, And your phone is dead. Out of the corner of your eye you spot him, Shia Labeouf. He's following you About 30 feet back. He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint. He's gaining on you. Shia Labeouf. You're looking for your car, But you're all turned around. He's almost upon you now And you can see there's blood on his face! My god, there's blood everywhere! Running for your life (From Shia Labeouf.) He's brandishing a knife. (It's Shia Labeouf.) Lurking in the shadows Hollywood superstar Shia Labeouf. Living in the woods, (Shia Labeouf.) Killing for sport, (Shia Labeouf.) Eating all the bodies Actual, cannibal Shia Labeouf. Now it's dark and you seem to have lost him, But you're hopelessly lost yourself. Stranded with a murderer, You creep silently through the underbrush. A-ha! In the distance, A small cottage with a light on. Hope! You move stealthily toward it, But your leg! AH! It's caught in a bear trap! Gnawing off your leg, (Quiet, quiet.) Limping toward the cottage, (Quiet, quiet.) Now you're on the doorstep, Sitting inside, Shia Labeouf. Sharpening an ax, (Shia Labeouf.) But he doesn't hear you enter, (Shia Labeouf.) You're sneaking up behind him. Strangling superstar Shia Labeouf. Fighting for your life with Shia Labeouf, Wrestling a knife from Shia Labeouf, Stab it in his kidney. Safe at last from Shia Labeouf. You limp into the dark woods, Blood oozing from your stump leg. But you have won. You have beaten Shia Labeouf Wait! He isn’t dead! Shia surprise! There’s a gun to your head and death in his eyes. But you can do jiu jitsu… body slam Shia LaBeouf. Legendary fight with Shia LaBeouf. Normal Tuesday night for Shia LaBeouf. You try to swing an axe at Shia LaBeouf. But blood is draining fast from your stump leg. He’s dodging every swipe, he parries to the left. You counter to the right, you catch him in the neck. You’re chopping off his head now…. You have just decapitated Shia LaBeouf. His head topples to the floor, expressionless. You fall to your knees and catch your breath. You are finally safe from Shia LaBeouf.
Dream Team Olympics!
As a someone who plays as both a Hunter and a Titan I do not think Titans as a class should be buffed. I think Titans are strong enough in the Crucible. Strikers have a strong offensive super for Crucible. Defenders on the other time lack an offensive super. I think there should be more useful Exotics for the Titans, specifically for the Defenders. Saint-14 is one of the most useful exotic that buffs the Titan's super. Other just as useful Exotics should be created for the Titan instead of a buff to their class. One idea I had for the Defender Titan was changing Ward of Dawn up drastically. When Ward of Dawn is activated this Exotic helmet would make it so the Ward of Dawn is mobile. Instead of a Bubble being deployed when activated the Defender Titan will always have their Ward of Dawn ability at all time. A bubble will not protect the Titan, instead Blessing, Armor and Weapons of Light will be attached to the Titan. For instance with Armor of Light the over shield will be given to only the Titan and those who are in a radius around the Titan. This overshield will not recharge. With Blessing of Light the Titan and those who are in the radius around the Titan get a weaker overshield that will recharge over time if not in combat. And finally with Blessing of Light the Titan and those in the radius around the Titan constantly have Weapons of Light till they leave the radius around the Titan or until the Titan's super runs out.
That is the best argument I've seen for the Titans, and of course, it's by Fruit. I have done the same as he has, played all classes and subclasses. I main my Titan and sometimes get so pissed off that I stop playing for a couple days, simply because I couldn't stop dying to literally [i]everything[/i] in Crucible. I'm having a bit more luck now that I have a level head, but the fact still remains that my Titan is just becoming easy kills. Warlocks are simply OP, and I'm pretty sure Warlock mains will kind of agree (I mained a Warlock at one point, and my Warlock has the highest hours played off all my characters). Titan vs Warlock is unfair for the most part. Titan vs Hunter is almost moot, especially with the Hunters ability to quick melee and whatever else. We need [i]something[/i] to help counter the other classes, but I'm not sure how that would happen. Sunbreaker is probably the new PVP class for the Titans, but we won't really know until someone maxes it out and tries it.
Suggestions Titan Melees do more damage Storm fist also disorients on critical hits Force barrier activates on hit Ward of Dawn pops after = 3 GG shots The Ram isn't a permanent boost, but rather boosts both armor and recovery after a Melee kill (to synergize with the other part of the perk) Miscellaneous, and Hunters in PvE -to make hunters the fastest class, simply make agility impact sprint speed too. -Golden Gun generates more orbs on major kills (so you can use it after weakenig majors with normal firearms) -Arc Blade always staggers, even with Angry
I posted this earlier, but will repeat here for visibility. The data agrees with Mr. Fruit's assessment... There are over 1 million accounts registered with destinytracker.com. If one looks at the "Both Systems Leaderboards" without selecting "Combine Characters" and with "DTR Score" as the selected leaderboard one finds the following: Of the top 50 characters, 86% are Hunters, 12% are Warlocks and 2% are Titans Of the top 500 characters, 65% are Hunters, 22% are Warlocks and 13% are Titans Of the top 5000 characters, 56% are Hunters, 28% are Warlocks and 16% are Titans Of the top 50000 characters, 52% are Hunters, 29% are Warlocks and 19% are Titans
I'd like to see what the new subclass brings melee wise. Titans definitely need help in that department. The new super they're getting is in the right place I think. I find it strange how many people think blade dancers get tons of kills with their supers given they're one shot by snipers, shotguns, stickies, and easily teamed. I find myself using Nova Bomb and Fist of Havoc very often and never using blade dancer as I assume I'll just be killed. However, I only recently made a Titan because I was so turned away by the lack of agility and range that I feel very uncomfortable using them. I think that their melee (really all melees) should operate like blink strike. Ranged when charged, not ranged when not charged.
Thanks for getting this together and for the endless support on my post Birdman!!!
I play all 3 classes and i must say the titan is the easiest in the crucible imo. I run striker with: max agility/armor, aftermath, lightning grenades, ability that lets grenades and aftermath last longer, and armamentarium. My armor is also set for max intellect and discipline. Double lightning grenades are amazing at area denial and i rack up a ton of assists as well (while not so mlg assists help alot). However FOH can be tricky sometimes cause of how close you have to get. I do agree 100% on titan melee. Might as well not even be an option. Overall all though i love my titan in crucible and also have my highest k/d's. As far as the bubble is concerned, i never run the bubble. Although i have been on teams with 2-3 bubble titans in iron banner and have just wrecked because you can get a ton of orbs. The bubble is a support class. You defend a crucial capture point or your teamates, or you make orbs for your teamates to wreak havoc. It will be hard to do something with that class cause its a support class not an offensive class. As far as support goes bubble titans excel.