EDIT: Please ignore the poll, I accidentally posted it unfinished and now I can't change it.
[quote]As to all those who don't believe that Titans are the worst, and are trying to refute me. I could spend a whole video talking about it, but almost every point you all bring up - the other classes either have it built-in, or an exotic that outclasses it. Bubblebro is priceless in PvE. But for PvP, Titans are just at a clear disadvantage. As a person who has used every class, and every subclass, and has most time put into a Titan this is the consensus I've come to.
Thankfully it looks like Sunbreaker is going to change things for Titans in PvP, but let's look at it realistically:
Slowest agility : Yes you can use the "triple" tap jump to speed around, but it's not intuitive to most and it's not always practical to run around doing it in PvP and in a gunfight, you don't have the same speed to strafe or even run away - not to mention blink is just a get out of jail free card. It's so easy to avoid supers, heavies etc with blink, but titans can't get away so even overall titan's k/d usually don't match up with the other classes.
It's the "TANKY" class : We're supposed to be the frontline, however even when we max our armor out we only have 1 more health than a hunter in PvP I believe, and are tied with Warlocks. The Ram alone gives Warlocks like 22 more health in PvP which is insane.
Melee : We're supposed to be the melee class, but it's a fact our melee is the worst. No range to it. Hunters are above it especially with blink strike glitch, and the warlock is just a mile ahead of them both. Yes we have shoulder charge, but as you can see it's pretty easy to counter if you know what you're up against and titans also have to usually prep for shoulder charge beforehand knowing when it'll be up after sprinting, and how long it'll be up.
Supers: The Fist of Havoc is situational, rarely nets several kills, and you almost feel punished for using it at times because it always seems like you need to save it for a cluster, which rarely seems to happen. Warlocks have the same thing in the form of Nova Bomb, which they can send from a safe distance. Hunters have a super that pretty much guarantees 2-4 kills every activation.
Exotics: Yes the Saint-14 is great... in PvE. It can help occasionally in PvP, but using bubblebro in PvP is already putting you at a disadvantage. Ruin Wings are bugged and only useful for PvE. Arma is great for two grenades which can help, but warlocks have that perk built into their subclass already. Pretty much any other exotic is completely niche, or just offers a perk that's already in your subclass. Feedback fences? It tickles the enemy, I've gotten 1 kill across my hours of playtime using it. PvP you just have nothing that really helps, and so I often use Inmost light just because it lets me take 2 skills for my super.
You can all sit here and argue on and on about it, but I can say without a doubt that Bungie is sitting on data that backs up exactly what I'm saying - especially PvP. I talked to Luke Smith and Mark about this while I was at bungie for hours on end. The Titans just don't have anything they really shine at, except for being the staple for most PvE encounters with the Bubble. They told me they're aware of it and are always looking at ways to fix it. So fingers crosses, but even Bungie knows Titans are a notch down from the others.
The bubble is near useless in PvP because it can't protect against supers, you can't use it as a reactive defense because everything bursts it. Anyway like I said I could go on and on and on about this because as someone who wants the Titans so badly to be really good, it hurts to realistically look at it and know that we're just not at the same tier with the current build. I'm not going to respond to the comments to this because it won't get us anywhere, you're always free to disagree.
-Mr. Fruit
This comment can be found here:
This is probably the best argument for class balancing I've seen in a long time. The video (Specifically the first round) shows the clear disadvantages that the Titan has in the melee department, even with shoulder charge. And in the round where they were all using an auto rifle, Mr. Fruit absolutely crushed Blue and Rhabby, so he's likely more skilled than them, but in the other rounds in this series it doesn't look like it because abilities were allowed in those rounds.
Other Thread with more evidence: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/147725199/0/0
Statistics thread:
Tell me if you agree or disagree, and if you do disagree please give a valid argument rather than "Fist of Havoc/Shoulder Charge/Lightning Grenades is/are OP" or at least give some form of evidence to prove it.
Thanks for Reading!
Edited by Pyrotech707: 9/4/2015 5:47:52 PMThey should stay the same, also lighting grenades and shoulder charge are valid arguments, you'll get a new subclass, that should be interesting.
Edited by tacoeater6969: 9/4/2015 5:46:23 PMWhy people hate so much on Titan u mad that were the original guardians u mad that were stronger willed than all others u mad that now we're getting a pvp buff with sunbreaker class and all u get is a hunter version of WoD, STFU an go bladedance ur way to a high k/d to go gloat to little kids u meet on patrol cosmodrome LOL hunters...
Only the melee needs a buff
Who really gives a rats ass about this asshat? He showed how useless he was on the reveal. Go away tutti frutti.
No you just suck! I know a dude by the name Bradizzbad. -blam!-ing guy has 3 Titans and his KD is like 2.5 Get Gud FggT!
Titans have the best nade and a very annoying mele in the form of shoulder charge, but after that, yeah I agree
I need to check out Sunbro subclass first before throwing up a flag.
Blue westlo=/= Rhabby>Mr fruit
I guess. Titans seem OK to me. If they buff them cool. If they don't idc. Im still going to have fun regardless. Titans are like how bungie describes scout rifles. They're performing as expected. No better no worse.
There is nothing to disagree with. He is dead on. Not sure why the titan class is so shat on but they sure are. I have played mostly as sunsinger warlock for a long while. This is my second account. With this one I have started using a titan some and there are some huge flaws which someone like fruit would have been very aware of. He isn't wrong on any of his points.
Hell no, the Titans new super looks like it's gonna be a problem in pvp. Striker already is a problem with that shoulder charge. They don't need a buff. Tell that little fruity kid he doesn't know what he's talking about
I think that striker is fine the way it is (except melee range should get a buff to match the hunter) Defender however should get buffed. The shield should activate on hit, not on kill, the bubble should not be able to be burst by nova bomb, razors edge should not be able to travel through it, or do any damage to it. And if Golden Gun is to pop it it should require every single shot. Also suppressor grenades should be fixed.
I main a Hunter, but I realize that Titans need a buff in PvP. Nothing is overpowered about Titans. Hunters and Warlocks are overpowered in certain ways, yet Titans have NOTHING. That's just ridiculous.
All I am looking for in a titan is a buff to melee range. Calling them t-rex arms is too generous in my opinion.
Just saying, I love using my titan all the time in crucible but right now it's not really good as other classes. I have used the other classes, got more than 5000 kills on them each and I have to say they are so much easier to use then titan. I will always be using my titan but I felt I had more options to use on my hunter and warlock. I hate that titan's don't get many options for PvP exotics. Pretty sure every good titan knows just to use armamenterium only. The other classes have much more exotics to choose from. Mostly every titan runs with striker since it's very offensive but defender's problem is to many things can counter it. I'm not saying that titans are bad actually I find them better then the other classes but that's me. The problem with titan it takes much more time to be good with a titan then a hunter or warlock. I got use to playing hunter and warlock much more faster then titan for sure. It's more harder to get many multikills with your super because of the current meta of shotguns and fast time to kill weapons. Sure lightning grenades are really good but you have to know how to throw them properly. This is the problem with titans they are harder to be better with if you don't understand how to use them properly and it takes time to unleash the full power of the titan...
If they buff us, cool. I would be happy. But I'm also happy now... so... whatever!
Edited by SnazzySquid: 9/4/2015 3:58:49 PMI've had a lot of success with my Titan. Not gloriously stomping people. But, it is me playing, so there was never any chance of that anyway. The limited range of Fist of Havoc is an issue to me. A smart Titan ends up saving it for groups (an occurrence that gets more rare outside of Skirmish and Control) or for stopping another Super. In both cases you are not free to use your FoH to just kill players with the same freedom as other Supers. During that time another class could use their Super with more freedom, potentially earn more kills and begin recharging while the Titan is waiting for the right opportunity. The Lack of good PvP exotic armor is also another concern. I like Lightening Grenades as much as anyone. But, being more or less forced into using the Armamentarium is depressing. Eternal Warrior was so close to getting it right. It should have given Juggernaut instead. That way you could choose to be a shielded Shoulder Charger, or shielded Unstoppable Fist user.
Why does everyone listen to you tubers and streamers lol I don't understand why people don't think for themselves.
It is obvious that titans need balancing, unfortunately some people don't see the obvious
One thing Titans definitely need is more armor
Bump again for more Titan justice
I'm a Hunter and I approve this message
Nova bomb is just as bad as FoH and Warlocks have the lowest agility.