From the Weekly Update:
"Incomplete Year One Exotic Bounties are auto-completed with their respective Vendors"
To be sure this is understood, does this mean exotic bounties in any character's inventory are exempt form the auto-abandoning of normal bounties? And that regardless of what stage of the exotic bounty a character is in, they will simply be able to redeem the bounty as if it were already completed?
Hello, Burrito You have understood correctly - Your exotic bounties will be auto-completed and rewards available from their respective Vendor. You will not lose anything, in terms of Exotic bounties.
I expect as they dealt with this as a separate topic the auto complete will mean the bounty is completed and the player gets the weapon unlike the auto abandon for the normal bounties. I suppose they need to clear everyone's bounty slots and as you could get the normal bounties every day decided those could go as they're nothing special whereas the exotic being RNG to attain couldn't be thrown away so are being finished as a nice gesture. No idea if you need materials to finish the bounty but guess not.
Correct, any Exotic Bounties you have in your inventory they will be automatically completed once the update goes live.
My guess is yeah if you got an exotic bounty and it not finished it's auto finished when said update happens. Also personally wondering what they mean by "Complete your House of Wolves Grimoire as it applies to hunting in the wild"