"Oh yay, visitors..." I say, as I walk over too a chair, and fall into it. "Whatcha want Honey, I haven't got a millennia..." She says...
"By the look of things, you do. Im just..... looking for whoever sent these messages." [b]she shows you the messages.[/b]
"Oh, then I know what you need!" I (Ravwn, until the above says different) get up, and whistle loudly.
[b]she raises an eyebrow[/b]
[b][u]Kyle[/u][/b] I hear the whistle, and the Green Machine comes by. "You called!?" He says, outside the window.
[spoiler]for some reason i want to destroy Kyle.[/spoiler] "No............................................... Someone has been STALKING ME!" [b]she waves a printed copy of the messages[/b] "And i want to know who!"
"Her name is Liz, and she hasn't been stalking you!" I say.
[b]She raises an eyebrow, and slowly reaches for her magnum on her hip, forgetting its not there. [/b]