Ummm...from that statement alone NOTHING is said about eris being there. It states you can still earn CROTA'S BANE rep, not a damn thing is said about eris.
You are stupider than I thought.......
Because I proved your statement wrong? Which it is. I may be wrong about her leaving, but nothing from the statement you posted proves it wrong, or me stupid. Ignorant maybe, but not stupid. A stupid person couldn't twist your words into working against you. And I also stated, I could be wrong. But you'll probably always be a dick.
Here is why you are stupid with your comments.... 1). You have provided NO evidence of her leaving, just a general "it was somewhere in some update". You just keep saying the same thing over and over again like its fact without backing it up. 2). The quote I posted DOES point towards her staying for this reason: there are no arbitrary reputation gains in this game. Every single reputation gain is for one vendor or another and there is only ONE vendor with Crotas Bane rep, and that's ERIS MORN. To remove her would be to remove the reputation all together as well since there is no vendor to level up the gain with. 3). There has been no mention of another vendor being added, specifically for Crotas Bane reputation, signifying that ,barring new information, Eris will still be the sole owner of that rep. 4). SHE WAS SHOWN IN ONE OF THE DAMN TRAILERS. Go watch game informers " The Taken King's New Approach to Storytelling" and fast forward to 10:20.....there she is in plain sight right where I said, bottom of the stairs to the hall of guardians. Next time, fact check before challenging.
I didn't have to fact check I said I was unsure. Unlike most of the assclowns that troll this forum I was just trying help and get my facts right. But thanks for proving that dickheads are everywhere. You piece of shit! You create something, like inward singing! -blam!- you, you -blam!-ing dick, you sit in your tower,....what's funny?.....-blam!- you, you -blam!-ing.... Cockass!
And here we go with being aggressive because you don't know what you are doing. I posted comments to you without any aggression, then after I posted this weeklies quote, you were the one that became aggressive by defending a stance that was wrong (and none of the comments I replied to say "I may be wrong", nothing but " Eris is leaving"). You got your panties in a bunch because you quickly posted something you had no information on and tried to make it fact when challenged. Go take a nap or something, kiddo, cause you are extremely cranky this time of day it seems.
Not a kiddo you demeaning piece of shit....and if you had any kind of funny taste you would know that little tirade of mine was a quote from tenacious d....but you don't know funny so....fudge ya. I admitted to the people that weren't dicks about it that I was wrong, but I'm not giving satisfaction to a prepubescent dingleberry from your father's ass such as yourself. Filthy casual.
Lol keep it coming. I'm not the one being vulgar here in my language. All you're showing is you get worked up online and that is a clear case of immaturity, kiddo.
If written words prove I'm worked up then....I'm really not that worked up. But any response back to this proves your a plebian and have a small penis....or huge vagina. No exceptions.... Any reply and I'm right. Don't care, I'm done. Plus I just read that online gaming article from cracked and I'm more worked up about those kinds of assholes than one here on this forum, you just replied right as I was reading the real annoying ones. It was fun but now I'm done. Sorry, I won't ever post here again without being sure I can demean and belittle everyone else who is wrong.
Goddammit! That kid! Is back! On the escalator! Say....would you like a chocolate covered pretzel?