I don't see how BubbleBro is NOT good for PvP. I got two Mark Of The Unbrokens using Bubble Bro with Messenger and Ice Breaker. Helm Of Saint 14 works wonders on people and the Suppressor grenades are great except on Blade Dancers which can somehow not get deactivated with the Suppressor
There is a bug where blade dancers mid swipe won't be suppressed
Yes it is very annoying. At least they are my original kind :D not them Babbling Sheep
Ok. Good for you. Just because one player is good with the class doesn't mean anything in terms of balance. I mean, I could use the worst character/gun in any game and win if I were good enough, but it doesn't change the fact that what I used is the worst.
Sometimes using the most uncommon is the best weapon. No one uses supressors, why? I honestly don't know, I would much rather shut down a super to live longer than sticky someone to get killed by another. People also need to learn to NOT bubble on Flags but on choke points to support you team while advancing.
What I am getting at is it is AMAZING for Utility and Survivability.
You are my hero now. Lol.
BubbleBros Unite