[quote]Titans should not be buffed. All classes are balanced in terms of every aspect. Comparing super to super and melee to melee and exotic to exotic is not how you compare. You compare the entire class to the entire class at once.
If you do phenomenally with a Hunter, but shit with a titan, that doesn't make titans worse. It makes you worse with titans. I miss golden gun, constantly, at point -blam!-ing blank. And I'm a pretty Damn good Hunter. It's never "guaranteed four kills" that's honestly almost enough for me to discredit everything he says.[/quote]
Refer to link at end of post for more balancing evidence. And how are we supposed to compare the whole class to the whole class at once?
Wait a minute! Here's a comparison of the entire class to the entire class at once!
Guess what! Based on ACTUAL STATISTICS, the Titan is worse on average in PvP in k/d, total kills, kills per game, and combat rating! Maybe because Titans are worse? No, that couldn't be... It must be because they're less skilled! Right?
There's no such thing at being bad at a class. If you are doing bad with a certain class, it's because that class is bad, or you absolutely suck at it.
So what if you miss your golden gun at point blank? It's a range-based super, and even if you miss, you have 2-3 more shots left. Want some advice? Don't use the long-ranged class at close range. F***ing genius idea.
He said guaranteed 2-4 kills. Not 4 every time, sure, but you're very likely to get at least two. With fist of havoc, you're pretty lucky to kill even two people.
His K/D is negative on all 3 of his hunters, that's why he misses. Golden gun nets me a lot of kills in PVP, the aim assist on that thing is ridiculous. I run Warlock (K/D 1.1) and Hunter (K/D 1.4, not fair comparison since I started at like 0.5 K/D for like the first few months as a warlock) in PVP but won't touch the Titan till the sunbreaker comes out. So as an average to above average player in PVP who doesn't run Titan, even I think Titans need a buff in PVP.
How does one go negative with a hunter???
I mean under 1.0 k/d
Yeah, same difference.