As a Titan main that runs Defender in PVP, I'm okay (for the most part) with supers being able to pop our bubbles, but I think it's absolute nonsense that the ranged Bladedancer ground-wave attack goes THROUGH the bubble.
Seriously? NOTHING else in the game goes through our bubbles. Not bullets, not grenades, not Nova Bombs or Golden Guns.
Popping the bubble I could deal with, but going through it? Utter nonsense.
Psion arc waves do the same. It's really cheap when you are dismantling mines with arc burn modifier and the psions one shot you though it with a wave that crosses an insane distance.
Personally I'm fine with the bubbles being poppable, but it should take more than just one super. Maybe a super and some more firepower? Fist of havoc should collide with the top of the bubble rather than going inside it and killing everyone. You shouldn't be able to destroy a defenders super before they can even react.