yah, it should weaken the enemy by default, do DOT as an upgrade.
same thing with stormfist and discharge, extra damage as an upgrade, discharge as the default
force barrier and flame shield should be switched.
force barrier should activate a juggernaut shield instead of an overshield. that way, you actually take no damage from the front until it breaks (it would be twice as strong as the juggernaut shield the strikers have) and you could shoot normally, maybe aiming down sights removes it or something, but with an exotic, aiming down sights leaves it up. and by remove it, I mean take it down until you go out of ADS.
this new melee would be called: void projection, and the upgrades would be:
void projection lasts longer
void projection is larger (covers more of the body from fire)
void projection is stronger and recharges durability.
A class upgrade that would replace the current one that increases force barriers strength an duration would be replaced with:
gain an overshield for the duration void projection is active (which would be 10 seconds without the length upgrade, 16 seconds with the length upgrade (the flameshield overshield currently lasts 15 seconds))
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