[b]the ship you destroyed was a single frigate the Ragnorock is still in orbit[/b]
[spoiler]the reactor the energy generator for the main cannon and rail guns and the power cores for the glave beams and plasma cannons[/spoiler]
[spoiler]need more guns?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]no such thing as too many guns[/spoiler]
Approaches the wreck* "When will the carnage end?" Enters through a hole*
[b]there are no survivors but it was only a small frigate[/b]
Looks to see if a computer is still working*
[b]there are but all the files have been deleted[/b]
Leaves the computer and looks for anything useful before other ships touch down*
[b]you start to feel the effects of the reactors leaking radiation[/b]
"Ugh.. better go.." *gets out of the ship, but passes out about 40m away*
Edited by Kain The Slain: 9/4/2015 4:34:07 AM[b]you wake up in a prison cell on a one if the other ships in orbit and stripped of your equipment[/b]
"Eh, I had this coming." *Finds himself heavily chained up*
[spoiler]can you bump glades Bio so I can check it out[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I sent in a request to join, but it must've gone unnoticed. Also a bio thread doesn't exist.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]it's in the group[/spoiler]
[b]a woman in a white combat skin with glowing blue eyes and long blond hair walks in carrying a small white box[/b]