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9/4/2015 3:56:43 AM
Hungering Blade is super good. I've seen Hunters tank my shots like no other because they kill others while I am shooting them. I think it makes more sense for the Titan to get some kind of regeneration with Fist of Havoc than it does for a Hunter with Bladetrance. Bungie all the time says that Hunters are the best class. That really lends me to think that they aren't really looking for the perfect balance, or even necessarily the obvious balance. Some things suffer from poor implementation, like how Warlock Palm is so much better than Titan Punch or Hunter Knife. It makes sense for Warlocks to try to keep their distance, being space wizards. It just isn't implemented correctly, and just comes across wrong.

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  • Agreed about the melees. The way I look at it is the hunters should be a quicker melee with reduced damage (promotes close quarter style gun play). Warlocks should have a ranged one without granting a shield on hit (kill would be fine). Titans should have a really slow but incredibly powerful melee with medium reach, not as long as warlocks but further than hunters. If the melee is charged, it should be a one hit kill. This wouldn't be OP because how strong shotguns have become.

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  • I like those ideas.

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