Alright guardians,
I'm sure you all know, the patch we've been waiting for,Update 2.0, will be launching on September 8th. It's coming equipped with a slew of new changes, from gameplay to mechanics to interface, et cetera.
The game we love is about to feel extremely different, and I don't know about you, but I'm going to feel like a noob again(my crucible k/d is about to plummet XD)
Regardless, this monstrous patch is going to be huge, and something this big deserves a proper name. Something original. Something that we can refer back to. Something that could even be called legendary.
What do you say?
I have a few ideas already :D
You can read [url=]Bungie's Weekly Update[/url] to get some ideas
[u][b]EDIT: [/b][/u] Comment "Signed" under your favorite ideas!
Edited by DCT: 9/5/2015 2:44:53 AMYou guys are posting just to spite me now. I know it.
The Cleansing
The Return to the Golden Age
The Taken Patch
Crutch Disruptor
# $40
The day Thorn was violently murdered and than brought back to life, only to have its handle torn off and be beaten with that till it died again.
The Salty Wars
The Nerfening
The much needed hope it gets exotic hand cannons out of everyone's hands update... Maybe I shoulda hashtagged it? #themuchneededhopeitgetsexotichandcannonsoutofeveryoneshandsupdate
The taken weapons....
Edited by Acts7: 9/5/2015 1:56:35 AMThePatchThatWillBePatched meaning: it will make autos op, people complain, then autos get nerfed same old same old
The one where Thorn died.
The Big Bastard
You guys are so lucky I can't edit the OP any more. ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
Bittersweet 2.0
The exposer
Castration nation
Judgement Day
Ur so silly
Destiny as the e3 build
It's done. It shall be named [b]The Cleansing[/b] End of discussion. Spread the word.
The last nerf