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9/4/2015 12:46:08 PM
He has a few points I agree with, mainly on Health and Melee otherwise he's just QQ'ing. I actually feel like there's quite a bit of rebalancing that needs to be done, and let's not forget that there is a blink nerf of some sort incoming (thank God) so hopefully that'll help alongside the shotty nerfs and AR buffs to make aggressive blink play more tolerable. I don't mind that it's a thing, just that it's currently too easy and needs to have more of a risk to it. Back to the main topic though, he totally ignores (at least in the excerpts you posted) the fact that Titans have the best grenades in the game by far, and a very good exotic to support them in the form of the Armamentatirum (espeically when ARs are being brought back). All 3 striker grenades are amazing, and only the Defender's spike grenade is weak. Also shoulder tackle is still kinda silly particularly given the way it works while airborne and I'd honestly say it could stand a possible nerf quite frankly. I DO however agree that the regular melee for Titans is crap and needs major reworking. One of my biggest peeves with the Striker (and how they've handled the skill trees in general really) is that you can't simply run a melee oriented build and mostly ignore gun play if you're so inclined. IMO Storm Fist really ought to be a 1-hit kill. It's very short range and Strikers are supposed to be the melee kings, as emphasized by Fist of Havoc etc. I'd also like to see the damage from the feedback fence cranked up (not to an instant kill but definitely more of a punish). Force Barrier also really, really needs some buffing for PvP. I'd really like to see Bungie run with the notion of anyone dumb enough to get too close to a Titan without killing them should suffer consequences. Lastly as for their health, yeah Armor Recovery and Agility all need some adjusting. I play all 3 classes but still find that none of the stats really do a whole lot outside of strafe speed and taking a tiny bit of damage. It's absurd to me however, just how much punishment Warlocks can sponge with the Ram and/or Radiance active. They actually get more protection than Bladedancers do with Arcblade active (which by the way, hitboxes are still a bit wonky) even though both Hunters and Tittans (especially Tittans) can set themselves up to have higher base Armor ratings. The tool tip says Agility affects Jump height yet despite having the highest ratings in it Hunters by far continue to have the worst jumping ability and we shouldn't need the Boots of Eos to compensate for that. Please Bungie, look into the 3 main stats and how they function again especially in PvP - it'd be great if higher recovery for example meant your regen kicked in faster rather taking off maybe 1 second from the bar refilling to full once it starts (which is supposed to be warlock's "big" advantage). tl;dr not enough distinction between 3 the classes and various "builds" and new subclasses arne't going to change that. I also think the new titan class' viablility in PvP will be entirely depenedant on exotics which is sad (based on what we've seen)

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