Alright, while I'm excited for this blueprint thing that is going to be released, there is still something that confuses me a little bit about it. It says that any exotic that we have discovered will be there. Does this include any exotics that we acquired, but never wore?
Sometime ago, I managed to find a Helm of Saint-14. My dumba$$ dismantled it almost immediately after finding. Only sometime after did I realize what a stupid mistake that was. Does this mean that I will have the blueprint waiting for me even though I never used it? I thought about buying it from Xur again, but I don't want to waste the coins if I will have one in my blue prints come TTK.
Thanks for any answers that are given,.
I don't think so. The game will only 'remember' what exotics you have after 2.0 drops and the kiosks are added. I'd buy it again.