Learn to read man he addressed both of them and noted both of their short comings.
All other offensive supers out range fist of havoc and/or provide better initial armor with the single exception of arc blade. Arc blade, nova bomb, golden gun, and radiance all have a much easier time getting multi kills and provide a lot more safety.
That one hit kill melee is not ranged like the warlock but rather like blink strike and is easily countered by a shotgun or even fusion rifle to the face(or blink because it's a "get out of jail free card".) It no longer one shots warlocks all the time due to the ram being semi popular and it takes time to set up(not to mention the loss of visibility can easily get you killed or make you miss.)
If you watch the video you don't even need ram as a warlock to survive a shoulder charge... you just need to see the titan and melee him and get a flame shield before he lands on you. and you survive it.
The ram just allows you to survive without needing your melee override. It make it significantly easier to beat titans in 1v1 melee fights.
Lol and a blinking-melee. Lmao that's not op at all
its not a blinking melee... you aren't blinking during the animation... your are visible, and you can get hit by melees, shotguns, and any other dmg.
Edited by DeantheDream17: 9/4/2015 3:38:15 PMTell that to your fellow Titan friend: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/15132196/0
Lol you became invalid at radiance is easiest for multi kills
Damn you are the scrubiest of all scrubs. I clearly stated radiance has an easier time at getting multi-kills, the titans one shot melee has multiple flaws. and Blink by definition is broken. Practice your reading comprehension you illiterate scrub.
Ya I totally remember pressing r1 and r2 at the same time and having radiance instantly kill all enemies around me.
He never said easiest. Again read it correctly. He said they are easier
Splitting hairs are we? Are u his boyfriend?
Oh because correcting you totally shows that I'm into the guy. In guessing you think girls are into you if they talk to you too.
Yes, my fiancé initiated the first conversation we've ever had. And now she has a beautiful ring on her finger.
Nice to know
Dude you say he didn't say something or say something he didn't say and this guy is correcting you. I guess you feel insulted and since you are so ignorant you couldn't make a reputable so just say "are you his boyfriend"
Well his only knock against fist of havoc is that he feels guilty for using it sometimes and saves it for clusters of enemies. I'm just not counting his personal feelings about the supers use as a comment on the effectiveness of the super.
He didn't say he feels guilty using it... man you REALLY NEED to take a READING COMPREHENSION course... he said he feels PUNISHED for using it. aka he feels punished because he had to use it on one guy instead of saving it for a multi-kill aka, he used his super to get out of a situation and then was punished by the game because he couldn't get a multi-kill with it for using it in that situation, where as a hunter could have used his got hat kill, and still gone on to get a multi kill. therefore NOT PUNISHED for using it to get out of a situation.
Oh so sorry for the confusion, I'm currently at work installing a 4 ton air conditioning unit on the roof of a five star hotel in key west. Can only quickly respond between brazing the copper pipes. However, because he chose to fist of panic one person and now feels punished for not saving it for a group was simply his mistake. Can't tell you how many times I've activated golden gun thinking there was a cluster of enemies and ended up only killing 1 person. I never felt punished I felt stupid for using it at a bad time.