Hey there, friendly forumite. I'm just here to remind you that (while ignoring the rule of thumbs if someone has "awesome" or "best" in their tag, they're garbage) your overall K/D is 1.6, which while above average is still nothing I'd be bothered with going up against (I'm also ignoring the fact that statistically, PS players have worse stats, so a half decent player usually goes up against a team of crap players, inflating your stats more than they should be). But still, a nice K/D, that we can deduce you have a fair grasp on what you're doing in the crucible, so, let's use that, for the sake of arguments:
Your Warlock has a 1.68, your Hunter has a 1.7 and your overall is 1.6 ratio. Who do you think is anchoring you down? That's right! Your titan with 0.2 points behind at a whopping 1.51 Kill/Death Ratio! So please, do tell me that the titan can keep up with the other classes. And this is coming from a Titan main since Beta, that has a 0.25~0.30 K/D difference between the titan and the other classes.
[spoiler]Also ignore my gt lol[/spoiler]
If you also look at the time played.... I barely play as a warlock, I regularly play as a hunter, but Titan has been my main since September 25th, my first day playing Destiny. It did take me a while trying to find my niche with my Titan, but some of my best games are on my Titan. I never was mad into PvP games beforehand, so my Titan broke me into PvP activities. My warlock and hunters are feckin babies compare to my Titan! I almost perfected my Destiny PvP abilities before I moved onto my Warlock and Hunter. So please, also take time into consideration. And I am friendly(ish).
Alright, let's ignore your class overall, let's see your collective K/D for periods of time where you already had all of them. And your titan still has the lowest in the past 3 times where you played with all of them. He had the highest for about 2 days by 0.01 K/D and then plummeted back down :/ unfortunately, numbers don't lie Your friendly neighborhood Anarchist
I dont know if you noticed aswell, but I also had extreme highs with both a Warlock and a Hunter, in my defence the teams I played against were very bad. But anyway, I take it you like looking at stats. But Titans can be very effective in crucible if and when used properly. I have seen teams of Titans destroy the opposite team, yet I have also seen teams of Titans get destroyed by tee opposing team. In the end, it really depends on your dominant playstyle.
I like to think I'm a half decent player, and I also play with an above average group of players. And although over half of us are Titan main, you'll never see us playing it in Crucible while helping people through Trials or doing any real PvP matches. It just doesn't stand up ability-wise. Sad and unfortunate, but not less true
*gasp* you play as a [i]team[/i]. Some randoms dont know what the word team means...
Edited by Anarky: 9/4/2015 6:12:10 PMI didn't mean team, I meant group of friends that you play with often, especially for sweats. I hate playing Control with more than 1 other player on my fireteam, 6-man teams are too boring and only help inflate stats. My "teams" are only for messing around in raids and trials, other than that, we're just in a party talking while in different matches. [spoiler] you know you always have that one group of friends that make an old raid fun by being complete idiots[/spoiler]
Ah okay, I wouldnt mind if you had one or two decent minded people to go against with in Rumble while you tea-bag the living hell out of each other. [spoiler]I plan to do this with the guy(s) I regularly play with[/spoiler] [spoiler]BTW Those raids are the best.[/spoiler]
It's fun when you match up 6 people in rumble, then you all use Marshall-As only
Ill try to use Atheons Epilogue the next time Ill play Rumble. Looks like Ill be dead a lot...
Edited by Anarky: 9/4/2015 6:33:56 PM4 more days till I can try this baby out (check my Titan) [spoiler] it's been too long[/spoiler]
I may or may not be jealous of such a gun, the perks are meh, but still. [spoiler][/spoiler]
Honestly, I thought the perks were garbage too! But then I started noticing that "Who's next?" Procs in the bottom 7 or 8 bullets, so if you get a kill and have under 10 bullets, just shoot them off to the next target and it'll proc along with "Spray and Play", then top it off with reload gauntlets and you have basically no reload time! Plus, field scout and the damage from the gun, just make it amazing
Oooh a handy little tidbit to know!
Go forth with a bit more of knowledge, pay it forward Guardian :)