A bunch of cowards running from your problems are what you are!
We run to the problems not hiding behind some magical KIng that will never live up to his promise of restoring what was never here in the first place. We face the truth the earth is dying the traveler is a farce and the speaker is a fraud The only hope is outward to the stars
So you're saying that Dead Orbit is running [i]to[/i] the problem instead of away from it? Have you read the grimoire? Also you're telling me the golden age never happened? Oh you Dead Orbit followers only care about having "badass" shaders and know little to nothing about their actual philosophy.
Yes the so called Golden age is a lie, a trap better yet , the darkness and the light are one in the same the traveler knows this and Travels! we should do the same, and New Monarchy claims to bring back order not the golden age and order never was here in the first place.