.... Why? Because you say so? He is a class that has no range for melee... That's just how it is. Like other games one class has range and others don't. Have to learn how to use each class. The titan has shoulder charge which yes is easily countered. But if you can't melee then dont. Find your niche and use that I know that I don't melee with my titan unless I'm in the dudes face. That is the point.
Edited by ChanceCat: 9/5/2015 12:48:21 AMPeople do complain more than they should, but what is seriously a problem is when were supposed to be built for "in your face" combat, yet have ONE hp more than a hunter and 22 LESS than a Ram warlock, both of which have range melee and blink, not to mention ranged melee damage reduction shield. I'm all for uniqueness, but if the abilities of the melee, front line character need to be in someone's face to use, gimme the ability to get in close to use them.
So because there at a disadvantage just deal with it? ... I hope your joking
Its called adapt and overcome. People who can't adapt complain.
This isn't real life amigo
And like I said other games have range differences on their classes as well... And you don't see they screaming to change that and make them all the same...
They are balanced fairly unlike destiny which give Titans the short end of the stick
Either you don't know how to use the titan or you are just not good with the titan. Because I can do just fine against a warlock or hunter. Yes they get me from time to time.
I am not talking about my skill don't change the subject the Titan base melee has a garbage range that's it end of story
Its suits his class but you are too ignorant to order stand this. You want everything to be handed to you. Titan needs range buff. Titan needs more this titan needs that. I admit they should make armour rating matter in PvP but other than that I've never had issues with my titan.
Now your calling me ignorant and blatantly ignoring the truth in your face ... Smh your a lost cause don't bother responding
I've given you my point of view what is wrong with it? Your point is that bungie needs to cater to everyone who whines. My point is its a challenge that needs overcame and I have done so sir. You are a funky who can't compete.
Congratulations you showed me!
VaporTrails is a fgt You can see that. "x VaporTrails x"...more like "x -blam!-Trails x"
I can see that