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9/4/2015 6:47:46 PM
I am a Decent Crucible player looking for a Trials of Osiris team to run through the Trials of Osiris this weekend!! I have a Lvl 34 Warlock and a Lvl 34 Hunter I want to take thru to Mercury if possible!!!! I have played Trials many times and have filled a Trials card. All of my Trials Exp comes from playing the Trials for my friend on the PS4: SMKINGOOD42023, you can message him for verification thru the Destiny app I think or on the PS4 if you have one. Furthermore, on my Xbox 360, Sgt Chevensky, My Warlock has been in the Truals a couple of times, but I have never been able to find the teammates like I had on the PS4!!! This is why I am posting this here!! I want to be ablw to find good, well communicating, good humor, no-stick-up-the-ass, casual gamers who will work together to either go flawless as we all want to, or keep playing together, figure out how each others plays, how we react to certain scenarios so we can fill cards, get new ones, and keep going till we get flawless, cause its bound to happen if you keep playing with the same, right, good players!!! I am on every weekend, all weekend!!!!! My GT is Sgt Chevensky I look forward to seeing you in the Trials Gaurdians!!!!

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