Its suits his class but you are too ignorant to order stand this. You want everything to be handed to you. Titan needs range buff. Titan needs more this titan needs that. I admit they should make armour rating matter in PvP but other than that I've never had issues with my titan.
Now your calling me ignorant and blatantly ignoring the truth in your face ... Smh your a lost cause don't bother responding
I've given you my point of view what is wrong with it? Your point is that bungie needs to cater to everyone who whines. My point is its a challenge that needs overcame and I have done so sir. You are a funky who can't compete.
Congratulations you showed me!
VaporTrails is a fgt You can see that. "x VaporTrails x"...more like "x -blam!-Trails x"
I can see that