"We can take you to FOB tenant, our main base. From there you can contact your people and regroup."
"Thank you."
He nods and the 2nd LT In charge of the infantry makes his way back to the the two. "How she looking doc?" "Some of the worst energy burns I've seen LT." The medic continues treatment. "How'd you get these?"
"The commander was on the ship I brought down. She had some kind of crazy energy beams on her arms. She also had the other ships target me with their anti-ship weaponry." *a few soldiers in the background speak to eachother* "She brought that ship down alone..?" "I know who not to make mad now..."
"Damn, that's badass." The lieutenant says.
"I thought it would be a fair fight, me vs a few frigates, but it looks like I had the upper hand."
"Anyone who destroys one of the matriarchist is alright in my book."
"Their leader fights like a beast."
"I've not had the pleasure of meeting her."
"Be wary if you do." *gets a transmission from Python saying to meet on the Exalin* "Mind flying me that way, or dropping me off at the closest place along the way?"
"I guess we can divert to it, I'll tell the pilot." The lieutenant makes his way towards the cockpit and speaks with the pilots who pilot their craft towards the exalin.
"You and your men have been quite hospitable. I appreciate it."
The medic nods. "To be honest we arrived to help others we didn't know the exalin went down here, but once we realized people were down here it was the right thing to do." The ship approaches the exalin.