Not really. Nothing really new is happening to them except for a new super and a grenade. Hunters still have the huge agility stuff including strafing now on top of a smoke grenade. Warlocks got an extended meele (I have NO IDEA who thought that was a good idea) Titans are just being recycled. Don't get me wrong i love how they go about showing what the titan is supposed to be about with the supers (either the type that uses their strength to defend or to attack) But they always seem to leave it at supers. Even the stat their supposed to be best at is outclassed by warlocks who probably could have the best balanced stats. The ram is destroying the point of using any other exotics for warlocks in PvP. I'd be happy with an exotic feet piece that increased agility. That way i would actually be able to escape someone running me down with a shotgun.
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