[spoiler]wait, did Python just hear me, and what about the hangar.[/spoiler]
[b]He notices the bodies, glancing up as he types on his main computer, he sees the carnage, stops typing, but then shakes his head, looks back down, and continues typing, closing out the tab as he does so.[/b]
[spoiler]No, he didn't hear you and I read that post wrong. My bad.[/spoiler] The computer screen flickers, it's been cracked by shrapnel from the crash.
[b]He shuts down the camera system, heading out after locating Galdes[/b]
Python steps out of the comms room, heading towards the bridge.
[spoiler]He's just walking to the bridge, nothing really significant about it......[/spoiler]
[spoiler]okee dokee. Looking for the matriarchy then[/spoiler]