It's clearly the superior console. Prove me wrong.
Edit: To further support my claim, Xbox fans were on this site for 11 years. This means we should get it for free. Checkmate #density.
Nearly 300 replies in under an hour? Thank you guys for all your support! Hopefully Bungie will accept my request!
Edit: Nearly 1000 replies in under a day!
Bad b8 m8, at least try and bait people with something that can be argued. Everyone knows that PS4 is the superior console. GG scrub
Dear Playstation users, I hope you don't think all Xbox Users are like this. Not all of us are inconsiderate douchenozzles.
You haven't even beat Atheon but you want first dibs on Oryx? Lol
No hard completions? Get out of here scrub.
To all playstation users; this retard does not represent the xbox community. [spoiler]we would also like your help with executing him[/spoiler]
please dont breed
That's dumb. I'm on Xbox but why can't you respect the play station players too? Xbox fanboys like you make us look bad so just stop. Play station gamers pls know that there are mature Xbox gamers who respect you guys bc I certainly respect both sides even though I don't have a ps4 myself (This is a repost from earlier)
I'm an Xbox player but the ps4 is out selling xb1 by 2 to 1. So I understand
I play on Xbox and I disagree
As an Xbox user I disagree. Who cares
Stop with the console wars it's stupid I've been playing xbox since the original and I don't care which is better
Where are the sales? Because that's where Activision goes.
Well it won't and that is that. #entitled
Facts dude, screw activision
I already proved you wrong m8. [spoiler]😏[/spoiler]
Consider it done
Let the cry babies cry when they get sun broken!
What ever happened with gaming meaning to bring us together. narcissists
Forgot satire
I don't think you can play Destiny on the Xbox. Now, you can absolutely play it on the Xbox 360 and the Xbox One.
Agreed, especially since they've sold more copies of destiny on the Xbox one then ps4... I tried the beta on my ps4 but the gameplay and controller mechanics are much better on the Xbox one.
Really? Who cares...a console is a console only difference is the gamers preference.
Edited by jdavis1465: 9/5/2015 4:05:35 PMAnd pc is the superior gaming machine. Gr8 b8.
You guys had halo. -blam!- off its our turn you entitled fanboy..
Hashtagging yourself? That's new.
lel everyone fell for the b8