It's clearly the superior console. Prove me wrong.
Edit: To further support my claim, Xbox fans were on this site for 11 years. This means we should get it for free. Checkmate #density.
Nearly 300 replies in under an hour? Thank you guys for all your support! Hopefully Bungie will accept my request!
Edit: Nearly 1000 replies in under a day!
[b] [/b]
Superior console yet you guys don't get exclusives lmao
[quote]It's clearly the superior console. Prove me wrong.[/quote] For those that don't want to click the link, ps4 is outselling xbone 2:1.
Yeah taken king should definitely come out early on Xbox so u can use hawkmoon to kill oryx OH WAIT U CANT GET HAWKMOON
Sure bud, just go and pay Activision several tens of millions of dollars and I'm positive you'll get what you want.
Who cares. Either way... PC master race.
Tomb raider year long timed exclusive = no sympathy for xboners.
Joke of the day right here.
Never go full retard.
Edited by 7123812: 9/5/2015 11:11:20 AMLol u don't even have a character on lvl 34 so u weren't even be ready for taken king xD
I lurk in #density in hopes of finding a fellow floodian... Mission accomplished.
Euh its in like a week or 2 how early do you think you can get it ? A day or 2? The time your request is granted an for them to do the changes the hardnose raid woul be out. I am on playstation and this is not meant as hate just logic
You went full retard, never go full retard. Giving us Xbox users a bad name.
Sony paid money. Boom. But exclusivity is stupid anyway and shouldn't be a thing.
The play station has better graphics and is actually the preferred console overall at the moment so do your research plus u guys have halo so bungie is trying to be nice
It should be a playstation exclusive (best place to play destiny)
Yes we are the superior console but Sony threw money at the screen It's just business FYI I own both consoles [spoiler]#pcmasterrace[/spoiler]
I love berzer lamas
PSN exclusives check mate xbox.
Edited by Impurity41: 9/5/2015 6:33:41 AMIt's not. Get over it. [spoiler]by the way, the 360 was better than the PS3. However even Microsoft knows the ps4 is better than the One.[/spoiler]
You guys see. Only this kind of posts makes us not feel sorry for you guys. Your making a bad name for yourself and good xbox players
Why should you, PlayStation pays for exclusive content. Tell your MS to stop being cheap ass bitches
But it doesn't....end of discusion...
I'm an Xbox player and please shut the -blam!- up.