Now I might get a lot of hate for this but I'm still going for it.
There is a common understating that if you are good at crucible or get a awesome kill then you can t-bag and piss people off as much as you like to show you are superior. I say that is totally wrong and shows how immature you really are. The scoreboard shows how you did regardless so why t-bag?
A good player in my book is the one who treats other guardians with respect even if those guardians are not close to your level. Try and help people who are not that good so that they can improve and be more competitive. Even if you can't do that just move on..... the other player is already disappointed that his team lost or he/she did bad . You don't have to rub it in.
I am very salty when it comes to t-bagging. I hate it and would never do it to anyone.
Lets see how many feel the same.
I feel just about the same way but definitely agree with lockheed AH 56 tbh. One time my buddies and I were grinding for passage coins and were just dancing in trials. Once they won 4 rounds they T-Bagged one of us and we decided to spend the next 5 rounds killing them completely and T-Bagging for days. We actually would just leave 1 person alive for Maximum T-Baggage. Essentially I don't start T-Bagging in a match, but I sure as hell will finish it.