It's clearly the superior console. Prove me wrong.
Edit: To further support my claim, Xbox fans were on this site for 11 years. This means we should get it for free. Checkmate #density.
Nearly 300 replies in under an hour? Thank you guys for all your support! Hopefully Bungie will accept my request!
Edit: Nearly 1000 replies in under a day!
[quote]It's clearly the superior console. Prove me wrong. Edit: To further support my claim, Xbox fans were on this site for 11 years. This means we should get it for free. Checkmate #density.[/quote] Mods, please lock this b8 thread. OP is clearly a doo doo brain that's looking for attention because his sad life isn't providing him with the spoonfeeding that his baby-like mentality is craving for. #comingfromaXboxuser