[spoiler]It's killable right?[/spoiler]
He looks around, blind. His hearing alone allows him to dodge incoming bullets and enemies. He pulls out his Holy Bible and crosses himself.
[spoiler]Yep. As Ocelot said, a homing weapon can track and kill them. Hope you brought a homing rocket launcher...[/spoiler] [b]They continue to fire on him, his large frame making it hard for him to avoid gunfire.[/b]
[spoiler]Auto turrets! Save me![/spoiler] His Vulcans spin up and release devastating firepower. They quickly lock onto a target and follow it's every move, shooting massive 80mm explosive rounds at it.
[b]The leaps are too quick for the turrets, the few Lucky rounds that "hit" them go right through, causing minimal damage. They continue their relentless assault on python, who's inner systems are taking tremendous damage.[/b] [spoiler]USE ROCKETS[/spoiler]
[spoiler]First: Minimal damage with an 80mm.....just no Second: I DON'T HAVE ANY ROCKETS! NADES![/spoiler] He pulls out a few frag grenades and throws one at the Skulls.
[spoiler]minimal damage cuz: THEY CAN PHASE THROUGH BOOLETS[/spoiler] [b]The grenades have no effect since the Skulls quickly leap away from the grenades. There is only one solution. Run.[/b]
[spoiler]BOOLETS ALWAYS KILL SHIT DOE[/spoiler] He gets up, ignoring the fact the his chest is littered with corroding bullet hole. He sparks with light and heat as his systems keep working. Python takes off, sprinting towards the Tau base.
[b]they leap after you, taking shots at you as the edge of the mist is nearly within your reach.[/b]
He gets past the mist and vaults over the wall of the Tau base. He looks around inside the base.
[b]the soldiers are down on the ground, all of them knocked out. The mist seems to blow away.[/b]
He heads towards the nearest soldier and checks for a pulse.
[b]Alive. Only stunned. A few more soldiers are inside the base. Not Tau. They're knocked out as well.[/b]
Python starts searching through the base for Kor. "Hello! Anyone out there?!"
[b]the base is creepily quiet.[/b]
He starts walking through the base, rifle out.
[b]Two figures walk out of the base, one supporting the other.[/b]
Python rushes over, hanging his rifle on his back. He starts to help them.
"Need a hand. He's wounded." [b]the Man himself is covered in various wounds, but is still supporting the weakened commander in his suit.[/b]
Python nods. "You alright?" He supports the commander's weight with his arm.
"Yeah. Just need a sec." [b]he walks alone with Python, carrying the commander.[/b] "You handled yourself nicely against the Skulls back there."
"Do I detect sarcasm there?" He chuckles a bit, walking with the commander hanging on his arm.
"No. There's no fighting these things unprepared. Running's the only option. So better hope you can run fast."
"What are they?"
"All those years, and I still don't know. All I know is that XOF and Cipher still don't like the idea of any Diamond Dogs running free."
"Diamond Dogs? Those commando guys?"
"Yeah." [b]you now notice the Diamond Dogs patch on his arm[/b]