I am posting this just to use bumpfortruth in the tags section. I just checked and bumpfortruth seems to have been converted to #besttagever
[What the? And Lost Sol's most recent post is awaiting ninja justice?]
[Edit: Sol's post is un-ninja'd as of this edit.]
Edit: So #bumpfortruth is now automatically reverted to #besttagever. What is going on???
So now it doesn't even switch to #besttagever, it just errors out lol
Plz read http://venturebeat.com/2015/09/04/ex-bungie-composer-marty-odonnell-wins-epic-legal-fight-with-former-bosses/ Bungie are very scummy #BumpForTruth
Bump. A new low for Bungie.
I'm sure they're just planning to return it later ... as new forum DLC. But first you have to beat the forum boss: Alg' Orithm, Fallen Censor.
They're trying to bury these posts in of topic. Dirty business by Bungie.
If you have to stoop to censoring the forums because of legit questions, you are definitely doing something wrong. They are proving the content is incapable of selling itself.
Edited by csquidy: 9/5/2015 4:11:48 PM#bumpfortruth
https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/151445521/0/0 Just posted this. As far as I can tell, it won't show up on Latest.
I think it's funny. I mean you guys think that bumpfortruth is the greatest tag ever right?
Edited by garionlrpg: 9/5/2015 8:47:14 AMBurmp Also confirmed.
Edited by CarnivalLaw: 9/5/2015 12:53:48 AMSeriously?
Man, trolled hard or what.