My depiction of what Dredgen Yor Looks like I guess :P And what the Rose looked like, it's being turned into thorn in the image.
I'm not too artsy fartsy but I tried! I know it's too late but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
I really don't know if dredgen was a warlock or not so apologies to the hard core fans!
<3 The trolls, you guys are cute. May also make a Rose Hand Cannon.
EDIT: I get it, he's a hunter. But I don't care, in my books he's a Huntilock.
He's a warlock. It is a [u]warlock[/u] trait to become obsessed with the darkness. (Thanks osiris). It's speculated that he was Pujari, but changed his name to Dredgen Yor so he would not be remembered as how he once was. Also, the thorn bounty is easiest for voidwalker warlocks, and X[u]YOR[/u] is a wizard(those hive things that shoot balls of void light out of their hands, kinda like a voidwalker)