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9/5/2015 9:34:08 AM
Forerunners just need button. Then star just automatically become supernova.

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  • There is the star crusher in star wars, same deal, just a button push away.

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  • wasn't it a weapon? forerunners didn't used weapon for that.

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  • The button has to do something to a device to destroy the sun doesnt it?

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  • Well, i can't remember for that but probably. however, unlike destructive force, it causes sun or star to become a supernova.

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  • Super nova is the second most destructive reaction in the universe as far as we know.

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  • Oh yeah. But, you don't need any destructive force to make sun explode. You know, you just pushed button and sun itself just goes boom. Anyway, how's that even possible? As far as i know, supernova caused because star's nuclear fuel exhausted, unable to compensate gravity, compressed and exploded..

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  • Yea; supernova is caused by the star fusing together heavier elements (it runs out of light gaseous elements to fuse and create more gas and instead starts fusing gasses into rocks minerals and metals) this exponentially increases the star's gravity until the mass to gravity ratio becomes SOO extreme that the star collapses in on it self creates a black hole and the explosion following the creation (fusion of elements so exponentially a black hole is made) of the black hole jettisons the star's outer 60-98% of matter/mass a crossed millions to thousands of trillions of miles (a few light years to few dozen light years in every direction). All you have to do is artificially (prematurely) get the star to start fusing gasses into heavier elements and do it on a wide enough scale to kick start the super nova chain reaction.

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  • Anyway, you said supernova is the second most destructive reaction in the space. then the most destructive reaction is big bang?

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  • No its a hyper nova. The big bang created the universe so the bang is actually the most powerful force of creation in the universe. (The destructive force that caused the big bang pre dates the universe and thus was actually outside the now existing universe.)

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  • Hyper nova? what is it? and destructive force that caused big bang is uh..some sort of crazy thing in there. in string theory, They insist that universe was a 10th dimensional, but something broke symmetry, it split into 4th dimensional universe and 6th dimensional universe. and 6th dimensional space curled up and compressed about planck length, while our 4th dimensional universe increase it's size about light speed.

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  • Hyper nova is the nova destruction of a hyper giant type star. Kinda but no: There are 4 dimensions within our own universe: The obvious 3 dimensional realm we live in, and time is the 4th dimension. The other 6+ out of possible 10-13 exist outside our universe. And parallel dimensions/ universes mentioned in string theory also have the 10-13 dimensions in each of their universes. Idk on the cause of the big bang as explained by string theory but; On the initial expansion of the universe the exact moments after the big bang; its been calculated to be several hundred thousand to hundred TRILLION times the speed of light for at least the first few minutes to the first few hours. (Idk exacts but it expanded super ridiculously faster than the speed of light due to the concentration of energy in such a small space for a good while).

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  • Yeah. Light barrier is no matter when energy concentrated as hell. Einstien's equation is broken at that state. And, i'm also don't know about the thing that broke symmetry. But, it caused 10th dimensional universe to be unstable and eventually split into 4th and 6th.

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  • Sorta, the string theory and multi verse theory one of the hypotheses' for the big bang is thus; Universe's space times (4dimensional universes) exist in parallel to each other and can be in states of flux depending on energy/matter concentration within the "blanket of space time" and when two universes (2 blankets of space time) bump up against each other they can in theory cause a big bang from the reaction caused by the energies and matter of two different universes touching (aka existing within the same point in that dimension). And that big bang creates a new universe (blanket of space time) within the dimension that universes lie in parallel with each other.

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  • Edited by Alpha: 9/5/2015 11:11:57 AM
    That's deep. I didn't know about that. Are you majored physics? I'm not even in the university so there is a limit of knowledge i can gain.

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  • Edited by DarthBrando: 9/5/2015 11:39:35 AM
    Lol i wish (dont got the funds for that kinda schooling) Im a graphic designer with an associates degree and a vet of US army where i was trained as a power generator mechanic. (Electrician+mechanic+ soldier). Im also an uber geek fascinated with science, astrophysics, astronomy, and science fiction. So i read a TON of science stuff and watch EVERY SINGLE science/sci fi documentary and show/movie i can get my hands on, and since there aren't more than a few thousand of those,(the programs) ive seen MOST like 2-3x by now.

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  • Oh, That's kinda special i guess. but sucks that money disrupted your schooling

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  • Edited by DarthBrando: 9/5/2015 11:52:12 AM
    Well when the masters degrees (let alone doctorates) from the GOOD colleges/universities cost upwards of 180,000 USD to 250,000+ USD; If you are a middle class citizen or below (u gotta earn more than 7 million annually to become upper class last i checked in 2011 in USA) Its kinda IMPOSSIBLE to get a masters degree unless you have a trust fund Or get a career and save up for 15-30 years first Its even harder to actually get accepted to such a school.

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  • Sucks to be american i guess. I'm in korea so i just need to study hard and get good grades..

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  • Yea its what happens when the rich run the country and decide they want to get richer and keep other people from becoming rich themselves. College degree costs since the 1970s have gone up from 14,000 per year to over 100,000 per year on the masters degrees and higher from the good/only schools that matter here in USA. Cost of living has also gone up to its highest ever point vs median wage ever. Class separation (poverty to middle class to upper class) has also gone up to its highest; So much so that if you are below the top 40% of the middle class annual income bracket you are actually living in a state of poverty. This is made worse by the fact that every one in USA above the upper 30% of the middle class not only DOES NOT PAY most taxes, they ALSO start getting sizable tax credits (taxes pay them instead if them paying taxes) at that level. Also thanx to the baby boomer generation; the methods used to start industries and companies back in the 1970s and before that time are now mostly ILLEGAL or now require ridiculous amounts of licensing fees and initial starter costs while back then in 70s and prior not only did most of the methods used cost very little, some of them cost nothing. Example: McDonalds: The guy started by selling burgers out of his back yard to people at cook outs/parties. This is now completely illegal unless you are a licensed food vendor who has been inspected by a health inspector and is part of at the very least a business or limited liability corporation. The vendors license cost varies You need the cooking apparatus to be licensed as a food stuff delivery method (you actually need an 8000-15000 dollar license to get a food cart or truck licensed to serve people) You need a business plan and cost to inventory and maintenance all set up and OK'd by a bank Then you need to be under a licensed company or LLC which you also have to pay for And if its a food truck you need a commercial drivers license to operate a vehicle that is owned by a commercial enterprise. Career wise you cant even get a career with out at LEAST trade schooling or an associates degree. Other wise unless you know some one who knows some one or start your own business; You won't make more than minimum wage period. If you do make minimum wage you also need to be put on welfare and medicare otherwise you WONT have enough money for food and a place to live. So yea USA is pretty F'D up right now and its getting worse each year due to rising price of petroleum vs it's now shrinking supply and our refusal to switch our industry to at least a renewable resource to power and fuel it. (Methanol and ethanol are both renewable resources made from plants which can be grown anywhere thanx to greenhouses by the way, so far brazil is the only nation in the world to actually switch to using chiefly one of those)

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  • Yeah, and also..federal reserve bank screwed up you guys so hard. and also, how the hell they thought about making financial obligation into USD? Seriously that's a one of the most fxcked up thing in the world.

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  • Ish the Federal reserve department that runs it: FED, the housing bubble burst/crash of 2008 was actually successfully predicted by chairman Alan Greenspan back in 1994! The housing bubble was made worse back in early 2000s when banking cartel AIG started trading financial derivatives (loans mortgagees and the compound interest on them) like or as stock options, then worse again when they started double trading and mass trading them. (Trading the same option to more than one person to earn 2 or more lines of profit off of ONE product). Now if i had to guess; I would say they did this due to the fact that the USA trades GOLD and the now these sheets of paper which are basically packages of assets written up on an ownership deed that says holder owns X amount of Y assets... Any way the FED and government handle international DEBT the same way AIG handled and double/mass traded the derivatives which caused the 2008 depression. My guess is they did it to see what would happen when the USA international Debt trade bursts and the potential financial end of the world that may ensue. But thats just my speculation on it any way. Basically the job of the FED or federal reserve is just to manage how much money exists and how much more to print; at its simplest and core function. The problem with it is; it is a PRIVATELY OWNED banking cartel. So yea its pretty F'D up. But yea pretty much in the USA we basically have slavery enforced by DEBT and a rigid system that by DEFAULT now makes it so the have nots are as close to permanently made to be have nots as they can be with out causing revolution on any scale.

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  • Edited by The Soviet Bear: 9/6/2015 4:10:29 AM

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  • Yea basically unless your born into wealth you are VASTLY NERFED from ever obtaining wealth

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  • Ahem. I spelled Nerd m8

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  • Idk coulda sworn it said nerf but idk it is midnight here lol an yea lol im a geek an proud of it lol

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