The only sensible response thus far. Clearly you actually read the article--as I did--and came to the same conclusion.
Marty tried to make a stand against Activision.
Bungie said, 'Marty now is not the time, and how you're handling it is unprofessional.'
Marty kept-on with his shenanigans "...even interrupting press events..." and Bungie was forced to act.
Bungie tried to keep his shares of the company stock and Marty sued to get them back.
Nothing in that article even insinuates that Bungie is 'being controlled nefariously by Activision' but that's how everyone in this f#$king forum is going to take it...OP included.
It's because people like the OP lack the ability of reading comprehension, it appears, anyway. Either that, or they only read the first paragraph and instantly claim GR33D!!1!!11