So, I completed my Trials card with my Titan this week and decided to switch over to my Warlock while my buddies also changed their characters. We were going in with two sunsinger warlocks and one bladedance hunter. So we're in the matchmaking screen and it pairs us up with these three try hards. They all had the exotic lighthouse emblem. There is a collective groan on our end because it was the first match and usually these types are a pain.
We go to look at their inventory but their names black out. One by one, they drop out. Me and my buds were just is happening (we were already flying in)? So when we spawn in, there's nobody there on the opposite side. Bam, I'm awarded with my first gold medal (bulletproof). Easiest win ever? I just want to know what happened to the other guys lol
Anybody else had this happen to them? How do people manage to back out like that?
What is bulletproof for specifically?