originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
Hello, my caln was recently featured in Bungie's Unite The Clans post.
As a result I have been given a barrage of incoming invites.
And I now need to remove some people. But the only way to remove people is by sifting thorugh my list of nearly 600embers and finding their username on one of the pages of only 10 names.
Is their a way to remove someone from my group using the API?
Btw, I also wrote the python section of the Reading The Manifest wiki article you guys put up. So I'm not a complete noob at this.
While I haven't tried doing this myself, I can kind of try in point you in the right direction. GetFollowersOfGroup will return you paged results and you can set how many results to return per page (ie override the default 10 limit). From there I would output a table of your members, and ideally make it sortable. GET /Platform/Activity/Group/{groupId}/Followers/?itemsperpage=10¤tpage=1 If you want to understand how clans work, look at [url]https://www.bungie.net/Scripts/bungienet/clans/clans.min.js[/url], I unfortunately don't have a surplus of members in my own clan/group so I can't test these out for you. There's a bunch of different endpoints under GroupService but the one I think you want is KickMember which is POST but doesn't send any post data. POST /Platform/Group/{groupId}/Members/{membershipId}/Kick/ If you are familiar with inspecting network activity using a browser's Developer Tools, you could also manually find someone you want to kick and see what sort of request is made to check that I am pointing you in the right direction. I can totally understand the problem you are facing as a lot of the Bungie.net interfaces seem to work best with small manageable amounts of data, which is generally all fine until you do something like promote it and then it just gets a response blowout. My favourite is when you write a forum post (or a Recruitment topic) and within minutes it gets lost into the abyss from all the buzz of other topics, which can often be posts that were created months before yours that suddenly get pushed right back up into the spotlight because one person left a new comment or wanted to put in their two cents. I have a topic where I was trying to vent my frustration over the Thorn bounty when I got it September last year, and it still gets responses every now and then despite the fact that I changed my opinion about it very early on. People won't even read the topic, they will just comment anyway based on the topic title, and as the author I can't delete it, or take myself off the notification list when another person wants to tell me how easy it is to complete now that x gun with void damage can be used and that I am such a noob (...perhaps we should just be able to display how many hours we've played next to our names on the forums, along with our grimoire?) >_< This is off topic to your particular issue, but the whole recruitment section should really get a customised interface that will promote new recruitment posts over the default functionality where a new forum topic reply will push it higher up in the results, and/or pull back topics that start getting a lot of attention so other ones can get in the spotlight. As opposed to doing a bump reply to a topic (or worse, reposting the topic in the hopes it will get seen in those short few minutes of posting), perhaps there should be a way for you to queue your topic to get pushed to the front and/or pull it down once you have satisfied what you wanted to achieve with it. I'm sure not all clans are looking to suddenly increase their member count by 600+, as this is going to create problems of its own (this topic is a prime example), but it can also be incredibly frustrating when your clan recruitment page is getting overlooked because people are just trying to get carried through Trials etc :/
This is an area where we would like to make improvements - various issues have caused us to disable some functionality that would have made this easier, and we'd like to re-enable those features in the future. Unfortunately, I don't have a good suggestion for you in the interim aside from lowline's already suggested workaround. It's far from ideal, and we hope to make this less painful in future releases.