Its easy to figure out yourself what a game can cap out at. Its easy for a fanboy to listen to paid off 3rd party websites who are in favor of their favorite console. I mean I were looking at how bad another console is my 2k PC puts your pathetic ps4 to shame. I could easily run 3x what your sad little console could and mod it up still. Its funny to see the console fan boys to argue how much better one console is better then the other when its all out dated PoS. Ohhhh PC doesn't have destiny. Well it has tons of other content that console doesn't have and never will. So you go ahead and defend yourself and continue to ride songs dick and deny any fact that your console isn't the best thing to ever exist. I'm gonna go enjoy games at a solid 2k 60fps.
Edited by Ty0401plus14: 9/6/2015 3:33:04 PMbro it is called console wars for a reason pc is completely different and shouldn't be compared to consoles. We all know pc is better but we want to know which console is better. Since they are both pretty much the same it comes down to which exclusives you like. PS4 will have their bloodborne, the order, dragon quest, ratchet and clank ext.The xbox will have its halo wars 2, halo 5, gears of war, crackdown. All of which would be console exclusives I believe. The reason people own consoles is lack of money for a pc or wanting the exclusives. most gamers would go with the ps4 though due to it having a lot more exclusives.