I Came across some information suggesting that There will be NO trials of Osiris at TTK Launch...
Is this true? and what are the implications for those who bought House of Wolves mainly because Trials of Osiris was it's main feature? House of Wolves DLC was advertised as 1 short story, 1 new strike Prison of Elders and Trials of Osiris and Taking away Trials is essentially taking away a game mode we have Paid for....
Edited by Casshern_Pride: 10/2/2015 12:57:19 PMI wouldn't bother attempting to use the 'you've taken away a service I paid for' card... Remember the terms & conditions you hastily skipped and accepted? Read through it.
Trials and iron banana are getting updated for TTK.
Trials of Osiris is still here it's just taking a short break so people can get their PVE on. They have new specific bounties for trials and they've only said there's going to be a recess. Quit listening to people who misconstrue things to try and scare you and make you angry.
Its not going away perminently, they are giving it a rework to keep it and ite loot relevant for year 2
No it stays, didn't you hear that they're making specific ToO bounties?
Edited by Kadmar: 9/5/2015 11:27:51 PMGreat!! The "no scrubs", "be 3 kd+", "must have been to lighthouse 30 times" nonsense can finally end! Sad about Iron Banner though, this was a cool mode with enjoyable people to play with.
Edited by Dampfanator: 9/5/2015 11:21:39 PM
They are taking a break from too and ib for a time after TTK. I'm sure it will only be on hiatus for a short time. It makes some sense at for at least a week or two there will be lots of people in between 34 and 40 which would pretty much make the highest level win in too and ib. (I know it's not a universal rule)
Good the elitist safe being thinned out
No tOO will be the best weeks of destiny ^_^
It comes back a week later
I hated the warlock of Osiris
Aren't they giving it back like a week or two later? It's available for all of three days anyway