Story tiem!
For my Chemistry class on Highschool, our teacher had the amazing idea to make us use this app "Edmodo" for her to be able to submit work to us by there, and for us to ask her questions publicly and privately.
The first thing the teacher said when she was explaining to us the rules she wanted us to follow when talking to each-other publicly on the group was to not to have bad grammar.
Now, a week later, the teacher starts making spelling errors and such pretty frequently, and there's this one dude who starts correcting her all the time. Today she threatened him that if he doesn't stop correcting her she will kick him out of the group and call his parents.
I can imagine how that conversation would go..
Anyways, here's the conversation after the teacher made a spelling mistake for the hundredth time:
S: "Ms, it's "you're" not "your."
T: "(Name of student), you NEED to stop, I WILL remove you from edmodo (I am considering correcting her and telling her that it is "Edmodo" and not "edmodo", hue) and you WILL get zeros on anything you posted here"
S: "But I already stopped"
T: "you corrected my grammar PUBLICLY in a post!!!!"
S: "I'm sorry Ms I will delete it tonight"
T: "You need to THINK about your actions BEFORE you do them"
Much salt has been had today.
If this thread gets enough attention I will post pictures with the names blurred out or something.
Didn't read don't care