Reading this post? Read this....
This name of this post should be changed to The King of Taken Your Time.
The post is barely a few paragraphs and even so it's a waste.
The post is wasting your time marketing an opinion to the demographic that is primarily made up of those who completely disagree.....OP is wasting our time.....its disgusting.
This post is on its last legs, and OP knows it, better posts are coming out soon like The Multi-Verse and You; The Hive and Their Worms, an Act of Slavery; The Conceptual Physics and Nature of Light and Dark.
This is where you can watch me stream 36/7; 8 days a week; 3 times a year.
Reduce the post (which should be 0) or you will lose readers OP!
Funny and satirical. Your IQ is around 100 unlike these pathetic trash that "throw money at Destiny" since their brains are addicted to Destiny.