[b]General Alexia is sitting in the bridge of her Ragnarock class ship in orbit around Mars and tries to hail python on comms[/b]
(Closed. Open for python)
[b]she sits up from her bed[/b]
"Do you have a plan? For retaliation against those.....things."
"We can't fight them our casualties add to their numbers we got rid of the artifact but we can't go home"
He nods. "You're welcome to stay here as long as you want."
"Not that we have a choice"
"Yeah. Alright, I need to go check on my friend in the med bay. Cafeteria is down the hall and to the left if you need it." He smiles and walks out, towards the right.
[b]the soldiers start setting up tents and housing for the civilians[/b]
"Yeah.....alright I need to go check on a friend of mine. Cafeteria is down the hall and to the left if you need it." He turns and walks out.
[b]she goes back to her old room[/b]
[spoiler]in the exalin she turned invisible and walk to her room in the ship[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Lol wrong post this is the one with Python and the Queen[/spoiler]