"The professor is a prisoner and Galdes is the queen's new personal body guard"
"What did the Professor do this time?"
"A lot of things"
He shakes his head. "Idiot"
Edited by Kain The Slain: 9/6/2015 6:13:02 AM"Yup" [b]we get through the cloud layer and you see a massive city with an enormous palace in the center[/b]
"How long has this place been up and running?"
"The planet or the station?"
"The station." [spoiler]Quick post than afk again. Going to friends house[/spoiler]
"Its been around for a few decades"
He nods and stays quiet, waiting for the transport to land.
[b]she steps out of the shuttle[/b]
He follows. [spoiler]Afk[/spoiler]
[b]we are led down a hallway by two women I'd silver and gold power armor[/b]
Python eyes the armor, doing scans of the armor and it's characteristics.
[b]the armor is some of the most advanced armor you've ever seen they lead you into a large open room with a throne on one end[/b]
He enters the throne room, looking around.
[b]you see a few woman in different coloured combat skins and some are in brightly colored dresses[/b]
Python remains silent, waiting for something to happen.
[b]this woman walks in but not in armor instead she's wearing a long black dress and everyone in the room bows as she walks over and sits in the throne[/b]
He stands at attention.
[b]she looks over at you and waves her hand. Everyone else but her guards leave the room[/b]
Python watches them walk out and turns back to the Queen.
[b]she stands up and walks over to you hear eyes are glowing blue and so are some of the veins in her face[/b]
Towering over her, he looks down at her.
"You must be python"
"Yes ma'am."