It's because coloured gentlemen have the biggest willies therefore females are more likely to lodge themselves on them when the inferior male isn't looking. I'm a smurf by the way. Blue is the colour.[spoiler]Our willies are green though so many find them unpleasant. [/spoiler]
Omg. Colored is not an acceptable term for black anymore. By your spelling I'm assuming you're English. Black people in America would take offense to that, so I wouldn't use it when communicating with Americans
Why is it not acceptable in America? Did something happen?
Yeah it's called the 20th century.
My bad, I'm not American so I'm not familiar with what is considered politically correct in your country. In the UK coloured means black, the word black in my country is considered too blunt and an inconsiderate word to describe coloured people.
I'm on mobile iOS and therefore can't convey eye rolling. And if I could, it wouldn't be anywhere near hard enough.