Sony is not close to bankruptcy. People need to get their facts strait. Also, Xbox isn't making a comeback, they are just selling well, as is PS4 still.
Edited by Veration: 9/6/2015 3:45:11 PMGet your spelling "strait"
Learn how to spell.
What did I misspell?
Umm, no I didn't
Umm, yes you did
My apologies... Straight
No problem
English is a little rusty.
That's fine.
[quote]Sony is not close to bankruptcy. People need to get their facts strait. Also, Xbox isn't making a comeback, they are just selling well, as is PS4 still.[/quote] No I didn't
You don't understand. I mean close to bankruptcy as if the ps4 wasn't invented Sony would have gone bankrupt. Also yeah it's gonna make a comeback because of all the stuff just for Xbox
Edited by krachen: 9/6/2015 3:48:30 PMEven if ps4 wasn't invented, Sony wouldn't go bankrupt. Playstation has quite a few exclusives on the way also
Yeah but people would want to move up to next gen. People aren't just gonna stay on old gen for some exclusives. Microsoft I would say has the better exclusives any way. A lot of games, not just some dlc on bo3. And yeah ik you guys going t uncharted and blood borne or whatever but we have halo and gears. Plus we are getting fallout 4 exclusives
Halo and gears... Playstation has Uncharted, Bloodborne, Until Dawn, No Mans Sky and exclusives on a lot of games.
I didn't list all of them plus those all look boring to me Also halo has more sales than both of those combined
Edited by krachen: 9/6/2015 4:08:06 PMHalo has 60 million lifetime with 6 games. Uncharted has 21 million with 3 games. Uncharted is on the same pace
Nice Google search. I would be as ignorant as you if I believed everything I read on the internet too
So, instead of research, you're going off your own personal knowledge of how each sold
Nope read it in a outside Xbox magazine who got the info from a interview with 343
Edited by krachen: 9/6/2015 4:18:47 PMHmm... 343 isn't biased. Got my info from Gamespot. Guess they are wrong but this said magazine must be right
Krachen Not rekt > Rekt
And now muted for ignorance.
Lol running away cause you can't comeback. Classic