[spoiler]its a wresting move. I think.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]what's the move[/spoiler]
[spoiler]look it up. I think it's basically I grab you by the head, and throw you over my back[/spoiler]
[spoiler]ok[/spoiler] *while i'm on the ground I punch you in the balls*
[b][i]you feel a hard impact, and hear a metallic clang.[/i][/b] "Always wear crotch protection."
EVERYBODY WEARS THAT!!! *rages and then turns fists on fire* *punches through armor Johnny Cage style* AHHH! DOING A SPLIT WAS A BAD IDEA!!!
[b][i]flies into orbit.[/i][/b]
[spoiler]wat[/spoiler] *screaming intensifies*
[b][i]falls from orbit, clutching nuts.[/i][/b]
*is still screaming*
[b][i]basically dive-bombs you from orbit, clutching nuts [/i][/b]
*screams even more*