My salvage card is not unlocking which you are obviously aware is happening to multiple players. My question is are my wins still be counted, or once it unlocks will I start at 0/100?
For Doubles and Salvage, as soon as you have an opportunity to play any of these playlists after the 2.0.0 patch, you should be able to earn the cards. The flags are not retroactively granted, but your stats from previous playtime in those playlists should still be there.
Hi, Your wins will still count towards grimoire. You can actually unlock the 15 points for 100 salvage wins. You just can't unlock the 5 points for the cars itself yet.
@UrWeiner You can go to the crucible tab on destiny tracker and if you select the Salvage you can see how many wins you are currently at. I just checked for you and looks like you are at 35.
Yup. That's my problem now. I got the 25 wins but there's also no way of tracking how many more wins you need to the next card
Edited by jacobkenwood: 9/9/2015 8:57:47 AMHave you tried EDIT: Never mind, I ran your username on it and it doesn't track it.