"Ok I'll grab that for you."
The bartender grabbed two beers and handed them to Emma and Ash.
Ash sipped his drink and looked at Emma
"So, what's your sign?"
Ash grinned at the cheesy pick up line
[b]flashes a smile[/b]
"My favorite brand right here." Ash sets down the glasses and pours both full with vodka.
[b]downs her shot[/b]
Ash does the same and refills the glasses
[b]Downs another four glasses[/b]
"Wow, how many can you take?" Ash said as he refilled the glasses
"I can go all night"
"No matter how much id like that we'd better hit the hay. I've got stuff to do tomorrow."
"Alright" [b]she stands up and walks to the bedroom[/b]
"Let me grab a blanket from the closet." And Jack followed her into the bedroom to grab a blanket
[b]she sits on the bed[/b]
Jack grabs the blanket and walks to the door "Sweet dreams."
[b]she nods and lays on the bed[/b]
Ash leaves the room and lays down on the couch, and drifts off to sleep.
[b]she falls asleep[/b]
You wake up to the smell of eggs and bacon coming from the kitchen.
[b]she gets up and streaches[/b]
[spoiler]u wanna continue this tmrw or create a new post now?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]you can make a new post if you want[/spoiler]
K I will
"I can go all night"