"Follow me. Don't touch anything, don't break anything and don't steal anything." [b]With that said he walks into the firm.[/b]
Ash continued climbing the stairs, not even tired yet.
[b]You get to the 50 floor and spot 8 guys.[/b]
Jack climbs into the ceiling again, and licks the air, trying to find the exact location do the hostiles
[b]Two sit an a room wielding swords. Three patrol the halls and two others are in separate rooms looking out of a window and the last looks through some desks in the last room.[/b]
Ash takes out the three men by themselves first, and then goes for the 2 men with swords, he 1st silently locks all of the doors leading to the room without the men noticing, and he then draws his scythe and sliced off the 1st guys arm, and looks at the second.
[b]The seconded swing in a downward motion at you.[/b]
Ash parries and digs his fangs into the guards neck.
[b]He falls to the floor.[/b] [spoiler]Pilipino hipster Bruddah[/spoiler]
[spoiler]yeet![/spoiler] Ash quickly took care of the patrolling men by using his silenced pistol, and looked for more men.