It's the self titled Genius of Destiny, the MAD Scientist, WRAITH 13th!
Johnny Wraithville.
As you know I like to take real world applications to the tests that I run. I previously did the Titan shoulder charge test and easily concluded that a NERF was imminent. That test can be found here [url=][/url]
On to this weeks test. The Self Rez RAM warlock played by BRIAN my nephew (5'10, and 160 pounds) vs. myself the TITAN (6ft, 185 pounds)
[b]The load outs[/b]; TITAN wears football helmet and shoulder pads and stands strong in the driveway ready to pop my bubble.
Warlock, (doesn't have a goat or ram skull) So we put him in his dad's Dodge RAM pickup truck.
We Also put a blindfold on him to give a real world BLIND effect!
[b]The test[/b]: Brian lays on the gas pedal thinking he is going to melee smash this TITAN GOD into kingdom come, he held his hands steady so he would not stray from his target while blind. I on the other hand knew I had the upper hand, I opened up my target brand supper bubbles and calmly blew them toward the Dodge RAM simulating my Titan bubble before slowly sidestepping his charge.
[b]The Results[/b]: Brian continued up the driveway and into the garage for misadventure death! The RAM is no longer with us a side note, I think he must not have let his super charge all the way up because he did not Self-Rez. Which stinks because now I will have to pay for all the mess he made. :(
Anyways, This leads me to the only logical conclusion one can make; in addition to the TITAN shoulder charge being Over powered. The Helm of Saint 14 might need a NERF as well.
Until next time guardians!
I'm going to need videos of this. Jackass Destiny with Johnny Wraithville and Cayde O