Atheists like to claim intellectual superiority, yet when attempting to make an argument against Christianity, they always fall short. While claiming to be the pinnacle of learned men, they lose all sense of logic, context, reading comprehension, and deductive reasoning when they erroneously create arguments in opposition to Christianity. If you want to reject God, so be it, but at least do it on the basis of what the bible actually teaches and not what you read on the internet.
Read, study, understand. Leave your pride and arrogance at the door. Context is a thing and its wonderful.
Edit: Let's keep this going, guys! And thank you to all the wonderful people who stopped by and proved my point.
You speak like atheists are a group of people united under one philosophy for a singular reason. I identify myself as an atheist simply because looking at all the various religions in the world I cannot with certainty say "This is true, this is not true" Committing myself to something that I cannot accept as truth because I am afraid of death or I want to go to a mythical heaven seems wrong to me. I could try, but throwing the word "I believe" around would not make it true. So.. I guess the point I am trying to make is, there is no proof that either Atheism or Christianity is correct, and due to the nature of the question there is no way such proof could exist. I have nothing against people who believe either way, I simply view it as a choice each of us makes based of what we see, feel, and believe. Oddly enough I actually share a belief that atheism is a terrible belief, that I do not want to share with anyone else. The mere thought of convincing members of my family that lost loved ones are simply gone forever and once you die that is the end terrifies me. Of course your going to get both ends of people who believe one way or the other like the westboro baptist church picketing funerals with signs saying "Your son in burning in hell" And ranting atheists trying to smash all religions down in the name of progress. To be honest watching some of the Youtube videos of the psychotic atheists screaming their hate of religion is almost as disturbing to me as some of the atrocities committed in the name of religion, and I foresee a possible time when such atrocities will be committed in the name of atheism.