You'll level it back up easily, vault you armour and weapons, delete then level up to level 20... Get the gear out, done.
Should I do it before the ttk release ? Or wait to the ttk to release ?
Its hasnt been proved that its going to be needed for anything i wouldnt delete a character yet
Oh ok causs I see a lot of ppl sayin that we will need this gun in order to transform it into an exotic, Iam the type to have all weapons and keep em as well I have every exotic in the game at the moment so I would want to keep it going ya know
I plan on deleting one aswell if it is required but im not going to waste my time until it is confirmed its just speculation at this point
Oh ok thnxs man if u do find out pls let me know if u can man that'll be great
I actually just ran the final mission on my titan coz i remember i skipped the cut scene i watched it this time i got a strangers rifle... if you skipped with any of ur characters just redo the mission and watch it through
In the start of TTK if u have any characters that are below 25 u get an item that instantly levels them to 25, so delete now but don't bother leveling until ttk
Yea well if you check my profile you'll see everyone's max